
【Ultra-processed foods (UPFs)の意味は?】超加工品とは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき

【Ultra-processed foods (UPFs)】(超加工食品)

Ultra-processed foods (UPFs) are industrially manufactured products made from refined ingredients and additives. They typically contain little to no whole foods and are designed for convenience and long shelf life. UPFs often include artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives. Examples include soft drinks, packaged snacks, and instant noodles. These foods are usually high in calories, sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, but low in essential nutrients and fiber. Consuming large amounts of UPFs has been linked to various health issues, including obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. The NOVA classification system categorizes UPFs as the most heavily processed food group. While convenient and often tasty, health experts recommend limiting UPF intake and focusing on whole, minimally processed foods for better overall health.


<<Key Terms>>

・Ultra-processed foods (超加工食品) – industrially manufactured products with refined ingredients and additives「精製された原料と添加物を含む工業的に製造された製品」

・Refined ingredients (精製された原料) – ingredients stripped of natural nutrients「自然の栄養素が取り除かれた原料」

・Additives (添加物) – substances added to food to improve flavor, appearance, or shelf life「味、外観、保存期間を改善するために食品に加えられる物質」

・Artificial flavors (人工香料) – synthetic compounds that mimic natural flavors「天然の香りを模倣する合成化合物」

・Preservatives (防腐剤) – substances that prevent food spoilage「食品の腐敗を防ぐ物質」

・NOVA classification (NOVA分類) – system categorizing foods based on processing level「加工度に基づいて食品を分類するシステム」

・Whole foods (全食品) – foods that are unprocessed or minimally processed「未加工または最小限の加工しかされていない食品」

・Essential nutrients (必須栄養素) – nutrients required for proper body function「適切な身体機能に必要な栄養素」

・Fiber (食物繊維) – indigestible plant material important for digestive health「消化器の健康に重要な消化できない植物性物質」

・Obesity (肥満) – excessive body fat accumulation that can impair health「健康を損なう可能性のある過度の体脂肪蓄積」

・Heart disease (心臓病) – conditions affecting the heart’s structure or function「心臓の構造や機能に影響を与える状態」

・Diabetes (糖尿病) – metabolic disorder characterized by high blood sugar levels「高血糖を特徴とする代謝障害」