
【試験に超絶出る英熟語・イディオム・英会話表現】”Turn a blind eye”の意味は「見て見ぬふりをする」IELTS, 英検, 大学入試, 日常会話に超頻出!

Turn a blind eye

“I turned a blind eye to my pet chameleon’s disappearing act. It kept blending into the background, but I just pretended not to notice.”




“Turn a blind eye” (idiom) – This phrase means to deliberately ignore or overlook something wrong, illegal, or undesirable. It suggests that someone is aware of a problem but chooses not to acknowledge or address it.



“Turn a blind eye”の語源は、英国の著名な提督ホレーショ・ネルソンに由来すると言われています。1801年のコペンハーゲンの戦いで、ネルソンの上官が撤退の旗を掲げたとき、ネルソンは片目が見えなかったことから、望遠鏡を見えない方の目に当てて、撤退の旗を無視したと伝えられています。


(1) The teacher turned a blind eye to the students’ cheating during the exam.


(2) The authorities often turn a blind eye to the illegal activities in the city’s red-light district.


(3) The company turned a blind eye to the safety violations in their factory to avoid the cost of repairs.

