“I asked for a straw at the restaurant, but they gave me hay instead. That was the last straw!”
“The last straw” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe the final problem or annoyance in a series that makes one lose patience or make a decision. It implies that the person has reached their breaking point and can no longer tolerate the situation.
“The last straw”の語源は、「ラクダの背中を折る最後の一本の藁」という古い諺に由来しています。この諺は、ラクダに荷物を積み重ねていくと、最後の一本の藁を加えただけでラクダの背中が折れてしまうという意味です。
(1) I’ve been putting up with my noisy neighbors for months, but their late-night party last weekend was the last straw. I’m moving out.
(2) The company had been losing money for years, but the recent lawsuit was the last straw that forced them to declare bankruptcy.
(3) I’ve been trying to work with this difficult client, but their constant demands and complaints are the last straw. I’m going to terminate our contract.