Japan to Boost Teachers’ Overtime Pay, Tackling Long Work Hours
The Ministry of Education plans to increase teachers’ overtime allowance from 4% to over 10% of their base salary, marking the first improvement in teachers’ treatment in 50 years. The move aims to secure talented personnel and enhance education quality amid the issue of teachers’ long working hours. (50語)
「日本、教員の残業代引き上げへ 長時間労働に対処」

・boost 引き上げる、後押しする
・overtime pay 時間外手当、残業代
・tackle 取り組む、対処する
・long work hours 長時間労働
・allowance 手当
・base salary 基本給
・mark ~を示す、~の印となる
・improvement 改善
・treatment 処遇
・amid ~の最中に
・issue 問題、課題
・secure 確保する
・talented personnel 優秀な人材
・enhance 高める、向上させる
・education quality 教育の質
・overtime pay
⇒overtime は「時間外労働」「残業」のこと。overtime pay はその対価としての「時間外手当」「残業代」を指します。
⇒「~の最中に」「~に囲まれて」という前置詞。among とほぼ同じ意味ですが、amid は抽象的な事柄に使われることが多いです。
⇒「高める」「強化する」「向上させる」という意味の動詞。名詞形は enhancement です。
1. Alma Mater [アルマ・マータ] – The school, college, or university that one attended and graduated from. (卒業した学校、大学)
例文: “Harvard University is my alma mater.”
2. Cram [詰め込み勉強する] – To study intensively over a short period of time just before an examination. (試験直前に集中的に勉強すること)
例文: “I had to cram all night for the math test.”
3. Extracurricular [課外活動] – Activities, such as sports or clubs, that are not part of the regular school curriculum. (正規の学校カリキュラムには含まれないスポーツやクラブなどの活動)
例文: “Joining extracurricular activities can help you make new friends and develop new skills.”
4. Field Trip [校外学習] – A visit to a place outside the classroom for educational purposes. (教育目的で教室の外に出かけること)
例文: “Our science class went on a field trip to the museum.”
5. Homeroom [ホームルーム] – A classroom period at the beginning of the school day for taking attendance and making announcements. (出席をとったり連絡事項を伝えたりするために、登校時に行われるクラスの時間)
例文: “During homeroom, our teacher reminded us about the upcoming school festival.”
6. Ivy League [アイビーリーグ] – A group of eight prestigious private universities in the northeastern United States. (アメリカ北東部にある8つの名門私立大学のグループ)
例文: “My dream is to attend one of the Ivy League schools.”
7. Juniors and Seniors [上級生] – Students in the third (junior) and fourth (senior) years of high school or college. (高校や大学の3年生(ジュニア)と4年生(シニア)の学生)
例文: “The juniors and seniors are busy preparing for their graduation.”
8. K-12 [幼稚園から高校まで] – Kindergarten through 12th grade, representing the entirety of primary and secondary education. (幼稚園から12学年まで、初等・中等教育の全体を表す)
例文: “The new education policy affects all K-12 schools in the district.”
9. Liberal Arts [教養科目] – A broad range of subjects, including literature, philosophy, history, and social sciences, that provide general knowledge. (文学、哲学、歴史、社会科学など、幅広い知識を提供する科目)
例文: “A liberal arts education helps students develop critical thinking skills.”
10. Matriculation [入学] – The formal process of enrolling in a college or university. (大学に正式に入学すること)
例文: “After receiving his acceptance letter, John began the matriculation process.”
11. No-brainer [簡単な決定] – An easy or obvious decision or choice. (簡単で明白な決定や選択)
例文: “Choosing to study for the test instead of going to the party was a no-brainer.”
12. Open-book Exam [オープンブック試験] – An exam where students are allowed to refer to textbooks, notes, or other materials. (教科書やノートなどを参照しながら受ける試験)
例文: “The professor decided to give an open-book exam to reduce students’ stress levels.”
13. Pop Quiz [抜き打ちテスト] – A short, unannounced test given by a teacher to check students’ knowledge. (生徒の知識をチェックするために、教師が予告なしに行う短いテスト)
例文: “The teacher surprised us with a pop quiz on the reading assignment.”
14. Quad [大学の中庭] – A rectangular area surrounded by buildings on a college campus, often used for gatherings and events. (大学のキャンパス内にある建物に囲まれた長方形の広場で、集会やイベントに使用されることが多い)
例文: “Students were lounging on the quad, enjoying the sunny weather.”
15. Recess [休み時間] – A break between classes, typically for elementary school students to play outside. (授業の合間の休憩時間で、主に小学生が外で遊ぶ時間)
例文: “The children couldn’t wait for recess to play on the new swing set.”
16. Senioritis [卒業前の怠慢] – A supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation and effort. (高校や大学の最終学年の学生が罹患するとされる、やる気や努力の低下を特徴とする症状)
例文: “As graduation approached, many seniors succumbed to senioritis and neglected their assignments.”
17. Teaching Assistant (TA) [ティーチング・アシスタント] – A graduate student who assists a professor with teaching duties, such as grading papers and leading discussion sections. (論文の採点やディスカッションの進行など、教授の教育業務を支援する大学院生)
例文: “The TA held weekly office hours to help students with their assignments.”
18. Tenure [終身在職権] – A permanent academic appointment granted to a professor after demonstrating a strong record of research, teaching, and service. (研究、教育、奉仕の実績を示した後、教授に与えられる永続的な学問的地位)
例文: “After publishing several groundbreaking papers, the professor was granted tenure.”
19. Valedictorian [卒業生代表] – The student who delivers the farewell speech at a graduation ceremony, typically the one with the highest academic rank in the graduating class. (卒業式で送辞を述べる生徒で、通常は卒業クラスの中で最も成績が優秀な生徒)
例文: “Being named valedictorian was the culmination of years of hard work and dedication.”
20. Withdraw [履修取り消し] – To formally remove oneself from a course or academic program. (コースや学業プログラムから正式に離脱すること)
例文: “After realizing the course was too challenging, she decided to withdraw and focus on her other classes.”