“I thought he could really talk the talk, but it turns out he was just a ventriloquist dummy.”
“Talk the talk” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe someone who speaks confidently or boastfully about something, especially in a way that may not be sincere or may not match their actions.
“Talk the talk”の語源は、「walk the walk」という言葉と対比されることが多いイディオムです。「walk the walk」は、人が言ったことを実際に行動で示すことを意味します。一方、「talk the talk」は、行動が伴わない空談を表しています。
(1) He always talks the talk about being a great athlete, but I’ve never actually seen him play any sports.
(2) Don’t be fooled by her promises; she talks the talk, but she never follows through.
(3) It’s easy to talk the talk, but walking the walk is what really matters.