
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<4>”Artificial Intelligence: A New Global Threat?”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Artificial Intelligence: A New Global Threat?

A recent report commissioned by the U.S. State Department has raised serious concerns about the potential dangers of artificial intelligence (AI). The study, conducted by AI experts, warns that advanced AI could pose an “extinction-level threat” to humanity if not properly regulated.

The report highlights several key issues. Firstly, it suggests that AI capabilities are expanding rapidly, potentially leading to weaponization and loss of control. This situation is compared to the introduction of nuclear weapons in terms of its impact on global security. Secondly, the authors emphasize the urgent need for government intervention to address these risks.

To mitigate these threats, the report proposes several measures. These include creating a new federal agency to oversee AI development, limiting the computing power of AI models, and making it illegal to share the code of powerful AI systems publicly.

Interestingly, the report reveals that over half of the AI researchers surveyed believe there is a 5% chance that AI could lead to human extinction or other catastrophic outcomes.

As AI continues to advance, the debate over its potential benefits and risks is likely to intensify, making it a critical issue for future generations to address. (199 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What is the main concern raised by the report about AI?
a) It’s too expensive b) It poses an extinction-level threat c) It’s not developing fast enough d) It’s not useful
(2) What is one proposed measure to mitigate AI risks?
a) Banning AI research b) Creating a new federal agency c) Encouraging public sharing of AI code d) Increasing AI computing power
(3) How many AI researchers believe there’s a 5% chance of catastrophic outcomes from AI?
a) None b) A few c) Over half d) All of them
(4) What does the text compare the impact of AI to?
a) The industrial revolution b) The internet c) Nuclear weapons d) Climate change




(1) b) It poses an extinction-level threat
(2) b) Creating a new federal agency
(3) c) Over half
(4) c) Nuclear weapons

□ artificial intelligence (人工知能) □ threat (脅威) □ commission (委託する) □ extinction (絶滅) □ regulate (規制する) □ weaponization (兵器化) □ intervention (介入) □ mitigate (軽減する) □ federal (連邦の) □ oversee (監督する) □ computing power (計算能力) □ catastrophic (破滅的な) □ intensify (強化する) □ critical (重大な) □ generation (世代)
