
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<27>”Chewing Gum Releases Hundreds of Microplastics” ~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Chewing Gum Releases Hundreds of Microplastics

Chewing just one piece of gum can release hundreds or even thousands of microplastics into saliva, a new study reveals. This experimental research was presented at an American Chemical Society conference in San Diego, California. The findings are under peer review and expected to be published later this year in the Journal of Hazardous Materials Letters.

Microplastics are small polymer fragments ranging from under 5 millimeters to as tiny as 1 micrometer. Smaller particles are classified as nanoplastics, measured in nanometers, or billionths of a meter.

Polymers consist of repeating units called monomers, forming long molecular chains. They are valued for durability and flexibility. Plastics typically consist of synthetic polymers, although natural polymers like cellulose from plants also exist. Chewing gum commonly contains polymers—either synthetic or natural—to improve texture, elasticity, and lasting flavor.

Previous research found microplastics can enter the body through ingestion or inhalation, appearing in blood, lungs, placenta, brain, and testes. Researchers aimed to identify pathways and measure microplastic concentration.

Gum was selected as it uniquely includes plastic polymers, unlike other foods that usually get contaminated through processing or packaging. This study is the first to compare microplastic release in commercially available gums.

Researchers analyzed ten popular gum brands in the U.S., half synthetic and half natural. Participants chewed gum for four minutes, collecting saliva samples every 30 seconds. On average, about 100 microplastics per gram were released, with some gums releasing up to 637 microplastics per gram. Surprisingly, natural gum released nearly the same amount—96 microplastics per gram compared to synthetic gum’s 104. (265 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) How many microplastics are typically released per gram of chewing gum?
a) 10 b) 50 c) 100 d) 500

(2) What are polymers known for?
a) Being fragile b) Durability and flexibility c) Melting easily d) Short-lasting flavor

(3) Why was chewing gum specifically chosen for this study?
a) It tastes better b) It uniquely contains plastic polymers c) It is cheap d) It’s popular among children

(4) What surprised the researchers?
a) Synthetic gum was healthier b) Natural gum released significantly fewer microplastics c) Natural gum released almost as many microplastics as synthetic gum d) People chewed gum for a long time


(1) c) 100
解説: ガム1グラムあたり平均約100個のマイクロプラスチックが放出されると本文で述べられています。
(2) b) Durability and flexibility
解説: ポリマーは耐久性と柔軟性に優れていると説明されています。
(3) b) It uniquely contains plastic polymers
解説: 他の食品と違い、チューインガムは特別にプラスチックポリマーを含む食品として選ばれました。
(4) c) Natural gum released almost as many microplastics as synthetic gum
解説: 研究者は天然ガムでも合成ガムとほぼ同じ量のマイクロプラスチックが放出されることに驚きました。


□ saliva (唾液)
□ microplastic (マイクロプラスチック)
□ polymer (ポリマー)
□ synthetic (合成の)
□ natural (天然の)
□ ingestion (摂取)
□ inhalation (吸入)
□ durability (耐久性)
□ flexibility (柔軟性)
□ ingredient (成分)
□ commercial (商業的な)
□ contamination (汚染)
□ analyze (分析する)
□ particle (粒子)






