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Rethinking Pyramid Burials: Surprising Skeletons at Tombos
For a long time, archaeologists believed that ancient Egyptian pyramids were only for the rich and powerful. However, a recent study of skeletons at the archaeological site of Tombos in Sudan suggests a different story.
Tombos was under Egyptian rule about 3500 years ago when the civilization was at its height. While Egyptian royalty had stopped using pyramids for burials, nobles still favored them. At the site, archaeologists found remains of at least five mud-brick pyramids.
Sarah Schrader from Leiden University and her team analyzed the bones of individuals buried in these tombs. They discovered that some skeletons belonged to physically inactive people, likely nobles, while others had strong marks from intense labor. This suggests that both nobles and workers were buried together, challenging the idea that pyramids were reserved only for the elite.
Some scholars, like Aidan Dodson from the University of Bristol, suggest alternative explanations. He argues that active individuals could have been nobles who exercised to maintain their status. However, Schrader disagrees, pointing out that past research shows clear differences in lifestyle between nobles and workers.
One possible reason for these mixed burials is that non-elite individuals were servants buried alongside their masters to serve them in the afterlife. Ancient Egyptians usually relied on small figurines called ushabtis for this purpose, but some nobles may have preferred real servants.
The discovery raises questions about whether such mixed burials happened elsewhere. Wolfram Grajetzki from University College London believes similar cases might exist at other Egyptian sites. Further research may reveal more about this surprising burial practice. (258 words)
☆Answer the questions☆
(1) What did archaeologists believe about Egyptian pyramids for a long time?
a) They were built by aliens b) They were only for the rich and powerful c) They were used as schools d) They were places of worship
(2) Who led the research analyzing the bones at Tombos?
a) Aidan Dodson b) Wolfram Grajetzki c) Sarah Schrader d) Egyptian nobles
(3) What surprising discovery did researchers make about the skeletons?
a) They were animal bones b) They were very young c) Some showed signs of intense labor d) They were all female
(4) What is one possible explanation for workers being buried with nobles?
a) They were family members b) To serve masters in the afterlife c) They died in pyramid construction d) They were buried by mistake

(1) b) They were only for the rich and powerful
(2) c) Sarah Schrader
解説:本文の3段落目に、ライデン大学のSarah Schraderとそのチームが骨の分析を行ったと書かれています。
(3) c) Some showed signs of intense labor
(4) b) To serve masters in the afterlife
□ archaeologist (考古学者) □ pyramid (ピラミッド) □ skeleton (骨格) □ archaeological (考古学的な)
□ civilization (文明) □ royalty (王族) □ noble (貴族) □ analyze (分析する) □ tomb (墓)
□ physically (身体的に) □ inactive (不活発な) □ intense (激しい) □ labor (労働) □ elite (エリート)
□ scholar (学者) □ alternative (代替の) □ maintain (維持する) □ status (地位) □ lifestyle (生活様式)
□ servant (使用人) □ afterlife (来世) □ figurine (小像) □ elsewhere (他の場所で) □ reveal (明らかにする)