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A Call for Labels on AI-Generated Books
Peter Mackay, a prominent Scottish poet, has recently suggested that books produced with artificial intelligence should have clear labels. He worries that these works might harm new writers, who already struggle to earn a living. Mackay hopes publishers will add a symbol, similar to food packaging, to show whether a book was created by a human or with AI support. According to him, people deserve to know if a story is completely “organically produced” or if it relies on algorithms.
Recently, in discussions about global AI guidelines, the USA and the UK chose not to sign an international agreement. They argued that too many rules might hurt innovation. Instead, they want to focus on “pro-growth AI policies,” which encourage new ideas and projects. However, some experts remain concerned about unchecked AI expansion. A 2024 study from the University of Cambridge reported that AI-based text generation tools can repeat biased language and may reduce opportunities for human writers. Many academics and authors believe that more transparency will help the public understand how AI influences creativity.
Though AI can save time and lower costs, Mackay insists that readers should have the right to know how a book was produced. His request for detailed labels highlights the rising tension between technological progress and the need to protect authors’ work. Supporters argue that such warnings can ensure fairness while embracing the benefits of AI.(232 words)
☆Answer the questions☆
(1) Who is Peter Mackay? a) A famous English novelist
b) A prominent Scottish poet
c) A respected American journalist
d) A well-known Irish playwright
(2) Why did the USA and the UK choose not to sign an international AI agreement? a) They believe AI is too expensive
b) They worry that too many rules could hurt innovation
c) They think AI is already fully regulated
d) They prefer to ban AI-based projects
(3) What concern did the 2024 study from the University of Cambridge raise about AI-based text generation tools? a) They never make mistakes
b) They encourage more human writers
c) They can repeat biased language
d) They only focus on children’s literature
(4) What does Mackay hope labels on AI-generated books will achieve? a) To make AI more expensive for publishers
b) To discourage people from reading AI-generated material
c) To let readers know how a book was produced
d) To completely ban AI in publishing

(1) ピーター・マッケイは何者ですか?
a) 有名なイギリスの小説家
b) 著名なスコットランドの詩人
c) 評判の高いアメリカのジャーナリスト
d) よく知られたアイルランドの劇作家
(2) アメリカとイギリスが国際的なAI合意に署名しなかった理由は何ですか?
a) AIが高コストであると考えているから
b) 規制が多すぎると革新を阻害するかもしれないと懸念しているから
c) AIはすでに完全に規制済みだと考えているから
d) AIを使ったプロジェクトを全面的に禁止したいから
(3) 2024年のケンブリッジ大学の研究がAIを使った文章生成ツールについて警鐘を鳴らしたのはどの点ですか?
a) 決してミスをしない点
b) 人間の作家を増やす点
c) 偏った言葉遣いを繰り返す可能性がある点
d) 子ども向け文学のみに焦点を当てる点
(4) マッケイはAI生成の本へのラベル付けによって何が実現されることを望んでいますか?
a) AIによる出版コストがさらに高くなること
b) AI生成物を読む人が減ること
c) 本がどのように作られたかを読者が知ること
d) 出版におけるAIの全面禁止
(1) b) A prominent Scottish poet
(2) b) They worry that too many rules could hurt innovation
(3) c) They can repeat biased language
(4) c) To let readers know how a book was produced
□ prominent (顕著な / 有名な)
□ struggle (苦闘する)
□ algorithm (アルゴリズム)
□ guideline (指針)
□ innovation (革新)
□ transparency (透明性)
□ unchecked (制御されていない)
□ biased (偏った)
□ opportunity (機会)
□ tension (緊張)
□ embrace (受け入れる)
□ fairness (公正)