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Tiny Plastic Invaders in Your Tea
New research shows that everyday tea bags may release large amounts of microplastics into our tea. A recent study published in Chemosphere in December 2024 found that tea bags made from different materials can release billions of tiny plastic particles when steeped in hot water. The study tested tea bags made of polypropylene, cellulose, and nylon. It found that polypropylene tea bags released about 1.2 billion particles per milliliter, while cellulose and nylon tea bags released 135 million and 8 million particles per milliliter, respectively.
Scientists are concerned because these microplastics can enter our bodies when we drink tea. In laboratory experiments, human intestinal cells absorbed these particles, and in some cases, the microplastics reached the cell nucleus, where our DNA is stored. Researchers warn that this could harm our health in the long term, although more studies are needed to understand the risks.
Experts suggest using loose‐leaf tea with a stainless steel infuser instead of tea bags. This simple change may reduce the microplastics in your cup. More research is underway to study the impact of microplastics on human health and to develop new safety guidelines for tea bag materials.
This study clearly shows how everyday products add to plastic pollution. Researchers urge more research and tighter rules to protect consumers.
These findings really highlight the importance of choosing safer options and rethinking the materials used in daily products. (236words)
☆Answer the questions☆
(1) According to the study, which tea bags released the largest number of microplastics per milliliter?
a) Polypropylene tea bags
b) Cellulose tea bags
c) Nylon tea bags
d) Stainless steel tea bags
(2) Which part of the human cell did microplastics sometimes reach in laboratory experiments?
a) Cell membrane
b) Cell nucleus
c) Mitochondria
d) Golgi apparatus
(3) Which action can help reduce the amount of microplastics in your tea?
a) Using polypropylene tea bags
b) Using nylon tea bags
c) Using cellulose tea bags
d) Using loose‐leaf tea with a stainless steel infuser
(4) Which statement is true according to the text?
a) The study concluded that microplastics are harmless to humans.
b) Cellulose tea bags released the highest number of microplastics.
c) Researchers emphasize the need for more studies to understand the health risks.
d) Drinking tea with microplastics improves our immunity.

(1) a) Polypropylene tea bags
(2) b) Cell nucleus
(3) d) Using loose‐leaf tea with a stainless steel infuser
(4) c) Researchers emphasize the need for more studies to understand the health risks.
□ microplastics (マイクロプラスチック)
□ steep (浸す)
□ polypropylene (ポリプロピレン)
□ cellulose (セルロース)
□ nylon (ナイロン)
□ intestinal (腸の)
□ nucleus (核)
□ infuser (茶こし)
□ pollution (汚染)
□ guideline (指針)
1. “Microplastic” (マイクロプラスチック)
– プラスチックが物理的・化学的分解により5mm以下の微小な粒子に変化したもの
– 海洋汚染や生態系への悪影響を論じる際の基本用語
2. “Bioaccumulation” (生物濃縮)
– 環境中の有害物質が生物の体内に段階的に蓄積される現象
– マイクロプラスチックに付着した毒素が食物連鎖を通じて濃縮するプロセスを説明する際に使用
3. “Fragmentation” (破砕・分解)
– 大型のプラスチックが微細な断片に分解される過程
– マイクロプラスチック生成の主要メカニズムとして環境問題の記述で重要
4. “Anthropogenic” (人為的)
– 人間の活動によって引き起こされた、または影響を与えるという意味の形容詞
– プラスチック汚染の原因やマイクロプラスチック発生の背景を論じる際に用いられる
5. “Sorption” (吸着)
– 物質が他の物質の表面に付着する現象
– マイクロプラスチックが有害化学物質を吸着し、環境中での移動性や影響を拡大するプロセスを表現する際に使われる
6. “Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs)” (持続性有機汚染物質)
– 長期間にわたって分解されず環境中に残留する有機化合物
– マイクロプラスチックとともに存在し、生態系や健康に悪影響を及ぼす事例で頻出の専門用語
7. “Ecotoxicology” (生態毒性学)
– 化学物質が生態系内の生物に与える毒性効果を研究する学問分野
– マイクロプラスチックの環境影響や生物への影響評価に関連する文脈で用いられる重要なキーワード