1. 読む前に設問を確認する
2. 時計(ストップウォッチ)を見ながら、英文を最初から最後まで読み、かかった秒数を記録する
3. 設問に解答する
4. 答え合わせをして正解数を確認する
WPM = 語数 ÷ 読むのにかかった秒数 × 60 × 正解数 ÷ 設問数
※読んだ内容の理解を測定せずただ英文を読むスピードをチェックしたい場合は、WPM = 語数 ÷ 読むのにかかった秒数 × 60 まででOK。
Los Angeles School District to Ban Mobile Phones
Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), America’s second-largest school district, has announced a ban on mobile phones in schools starting spring 2025. This decision reflects growing concerns about the impact of smartphones on student wellbeing and academic performance, a trend observed globally.
Studies have shown significant benefits of phone-free learning environments. Research from Spanish schools revealed that phone bans led to reduced bullying and improved PISA test scores in mathematics and science. Additionally, a study across four UK cities demonstrated that restricting phone use improved student performance by approximately 0.07 standard deviations, with lower-performing students showing the most notable improvements.
Dr. Karla Anderson, a pediatrician, points out that students already facing post-pandemic learning challenges are further impacted by smartphone addiction. The devices, designed to maximize attention capture, make it particularly difficult for developing minds to focus on academics rather than instant gratification. This issue is especially concerning for teenagers, whose brains are still developing critical decision-making skills.
The implementation plan includes collecting phones at the start of the school day and storing them in secure lockers until dismissal. Some LAUSD schools have already adopted similar policies with positive results. California Governor Gavin Newsom supports this initiative, emphasizing that students should focus on learning rather than screens during school hours. (258 words)
☆Answer the questions☆
(1) When will LAUSD implement the mobile phone ban?
a) Fall 2024 b) Spring 2025 c) Fall 2025 d) Spring 2024
(2) Which group showed the most significant improvements after phone restrictions?
a) High-performing students b) Average students
c) Lower-performing students d) Teachers
(3) Where did research show improved PISA test scores?
a) UK b) USA c) Spain d) California
(4) What storage solution is planned for phones during school hours?
a) Teacher’s desk b) Principal’s office c) Secure lockers d) Student backpacks

(1) b) Spring 2025
(2) c) Lower-performing students
(3) c) Spain
(4) c) Secure lockers
□ implement (実施する) □ ban (禁止) □ restriction (制限) □ significant (重要な)
□ performance (成績) □ addiction (依存) □ gratification (満足感) □ initiative (取り組み)
□ dismissal (下校) □ policy (方針) □ concern (懸念) □ emphasis (強調)
1. “Dead zone” (電波が入らないエリア)
– 「電波の届かない場所」を表す一般的な表現
– 日本語の「電波が死んでる」に相当
2. “Dropped call” (通話が切れる)
– 「電波状態が悪くて通話が途切れる」という意味
– “The call dropped” のように使用
3. “Pocket dial/Butt dial” (誤発信)
– ポケットやカバンの中で意図せず電話がかかってしまうこと
– くだけた表現
4. “Phone tag” (なかなか連絡が取れない状態)
– お互いに電話するがタイミングが合わず、伝言の応酬になる状態
– “We’ve been playing phone tag all week”
5. “Glued to the phone” (スマホ依存)
– 「常に携帯を見ている」という意味
– “He’s always glued to his phone”
6. “Low battery anxiety” (バッテリー切れ不安)
– スマートフォンのバッテリー残量が少なくなることへの不安
– 比較的新しい表現
7. “Ghost call” (ゴースト着信)
– 着信履歴はあるのに実際には誰も電話していない状態
– “Phantom call” とも