
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<16>”The Remarkable Mapping of the Fruit Fly Brain”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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The Remarkable Mapping of the Fruit Fly Brain

Scientists have achieved a groundbreaking milestone by creating the most detailed brain map ever of a fruit fly through a project called FlyWire. This tiny brain, no bigger than a pinhead, contains an impressive 139,255 neurons and 50 million connections, all of which have been meticulously mapped.

To create this intricate map, known as a connectome, researchers sliced the fruit fly’s brain into 7,000 extremely thin sections. They used powerful electron microscopes to study each slice, revealing cells just four-millionths of a millimeter in size. The resulting diagram resembles a beautiful, colorful network of interconnected pathways that would stretch 150 meters if unraveled.

This achievement is particularly significant for understanding human brain function. While our brains are far more complex, with 86 billion neurons and trillions of connections, the fruit fly’s brain operates on similar basic principles. Dr. Gregory Jefferis, a leading brain specialist, suggests this research could help reveal “the mechanism of thought” and advance our understanding of human brain function.

Recent developments in 2024 have shown that researchers are using this map to study specific behaviors in fruit flies, such as learning and memory patterns. However, creating a complete human brain connectome remains a future goal, estimated to be several decades away due to technological limitations. (216words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) How many neurons were mapped in the fruit fly’s brain?
a) 50 million b) 7,000 c) 139,255 d) 86 billion

(2) Into how many sections was the fruit fly’s brain sliced?
a) 4 b) 7,000 c) 50 million d) 150

(3) What would be the length of the brain’s connections if unraveled?
a) 4 millimeters b) 86 meters c) 150 meters d) 7,000 meters

(4) According to the text, how many neurons does a human brain have?
a) 139,255 b) 50 million c) 7,000 d) 86 billion







(1) c) 139,255
(2) b) 7,000
(3) c) 150 meters
(4) d) 86 billion

□ breakthrough (画期的な成果) □ neuron (ニューロン) □ connection (接続) □ microscope (顕微鏡) □ reveal (明らかにする) □ mechanism (メカニズム) □ complex (複雑な) □ principle (原理) □ limitation (制限)
□ slice (切片) □ pattern (パターン) □ milestone (画期的な出来事)
