
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<14>”A Tempest in a Teapot: American Scientist’s Tea Advice Shocks British”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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A Tempest in a Teapot: American Scientist’s Tea Advice Shocks British

An American chemistry professor has stirred up controversy by offering advice on Britain’s beloved beverage: tea. Michelle Francl, from Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania, suggested adding a pinch of salt to make the perfect cup of tea in her book “Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea.”
This recommendation caused outrage among British tea enthusiasts, who view Americans as coffee drinkers with little tea knowledge. The situation escalated to the point where even the U.S. Embassy in London felt compelled to respond, jokingly distancing itself from the suggestion.
Francl’s advice is based on three years of research involving over 100 chemical compounds. She explains that a small amount of salt, not enough to taste, reduces bitterness by blocking bitter receptors in the mouth.
The professor also recommends using a warmed pot, agitating the tea bag, and serving in a short, wide cup to retain heat. Additionally, she advises adding milk after the tea, not before – another contentious issue among tea lovers.
The reaction to Francl’s book has been unexpectedly intense, demonstrating the cultural significance of tea in Britain and the sensitivity surrounding its preparation. This incident highlights the deep-rooted traditions and national pride associated with tea-drinking in the UK. (208words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What did Michelle Francl suggest adding to tea?
a) Sugar b) Lemon c) Salt d) Milk

(2) How did British tea enthusiasts view Americans in this context?
a) As tea experts b) As coffee drinkers with little tea knowledge c) As potential allies d) As culinary innovators

(3) According to Francl, what does a small amount of salt do to tea?
a) Enhances flavor b) Reduces bitterness c) Improves color d) Increases caffeine content

(4) What does the reaction to Francl’s book demonstrate?
a) British dislike of American cuisine b) The cultural significance of tea in Britain c) American superiority in tea-making
d) The need for more tea research


アメリカの化学教授が、イギリスの愛する飲み物である紅茶についてアドバイスを提供し、論争を巻き起こしました。ペンシルベニア州のブリンマー大学のミシェル・フランクルは、彼女の著書「Steeped: The Chemistry of Tea(浸された:紅茶の化学)」の中で、完璧な一杯の紅茶を作るためにひとつまみの塩を加えることを提案しました。
教授はまた、温めたポットを使用し、ティーバッグをかき混ぜ、熱を保持するために背の低い幅広のカップで提供することを推奨しています。さらに、紅茶の後にミルクを加えることをアドバイスしています – これも紅茶愛好家の間で議論を呼ぶ別の問題です。

(1) c) Salt
(2) b) As coffee drinkers with little tea knowledge
(3) b) Reduces bitterness
(4) b) The cultural significance of tea in Britain

□ controversy (論争) □ outrage (激怒) □ escalate (エスカレートする) □ compound (化合物) □ bitterness (苦味) □ receptor (受容体) □ agitate (かき混ぜる) □ contentious (論争を呼ぶ) □ intense (激しい) □ significance (重要性) □ sensitivity (敏感さ) □ deep-rooted (根深い) □ tradition (伝統) □ national pride (国民的誇り)
