
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<12>”Dogs: More Than Just Obedient Companions?”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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2. 時計(ストップウォッチ)を見ながら、英文を最初から最後まで読み、かかった秒数を記録する
3. 設問に解答する
4. 答え合わせをして正解数を確認する


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Dogs: More Than Just Obedient Companions?

Most dog owners are familiar with their pets’ ability to respond to simple commands like “sit” or “stay.” However, recent research suggests that dogs might possess a deeper understanding of language than previously thought.
A groundbreaking study conducted in Hungary has revealed that dogs can associate specific words with particular objects, demonstrating a form of referential understanding. This cognitive ability, once believed to be unique to humans, implies that dogs may form mental images of objects when hearing their names.
The experiment involved 18 dogs and utilized non-invasive EEG technology to measure brain activity. When presented with an object that matched an audio recording of its name, the dogs exhibited different brain patterns compared to instances where there was a mismatch.
This finding challenges long-held beliefs about canine cognition and raises intriguing questions about the evolution of language. While some experts remain skeptical, arguing that the results merely reflect conditioned responses, others see it as evidence of dogs’ innate capacity for referential understanding.
As our understanding of animal cognition continues to evolve, this study opens new avenues for exploring the depths of the human-canine bond and the origins of language itself. (197 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What ability in dogs does the study suggest?
a) Following commands b) Associating words with objects c) Speaking human language d) Reading books
(2) What technology was used in the experiment?
a) MRI b) X-ray c) EEG d) Ultrasound
(3) How many dogs were involved in the study?
a) 8 b) 18 c) 28 d) 38
(4) What does the finding challenge?
a) Dog training methods b) Human language skills c) Long-held beliefs about canine cognition d) The importance of pets


(1) b) Associating words with objects
(2) c) EEG
(3) b) 18
(4) c) Long-held beliefs about canine cognition

□ companion (仲間) □ obedient (従順な) □ research (研究) □ ability (能力) □ experiment (実験)
□ technology (技術) □ measure (測定する) □ challenge (挑戦する) □ expert (専門家) □ response (反応) □ evidence (証拠) □ evolution (進化) □ cognitive (認知的な) □ referential (指示的な) □ skeptical (懐疑的な)
