
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<11>”Milan’s Takeaway Food Ban”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Milan’s Takeaway Food Ban

The city of Milan in Italy plans to introduce a law that bans the sale of takeaway food after midnight. This is because many residents have complained about the noise at night, which makes it difficult for them to sleep. Large and noisy groups often gather in downtown Milan, especially in areas known for their lively nightlife. As a result, officials decided to ban all takeaway food and drink in 12 districts. This ban means people cannot buy pizza or ice cream after 12:30 a.m. on weekdays and after 1:30 a.m. on weekends and public holidays. The ban will start in mid-May and last until November.
Milan’s deputy mayor explained that the ban aims to balance social activities with the peace and quiet of residents. However, many people disagree with the ban. A spokesperson for an Italian retail association said the ban would not reduce noise. He argued that banning people from drinking water or eating ice cream or pizza while walking would not solve the problem, as people would still stay outside. He questioned if a 25-year-old would go home at midnight just because they couldn’t get a takeaway. He also mentioned the inconvenience for tourists who want to eat ice cream. (203words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) Why is Milan planning to introduce a law banning the sale of takeaway food after midnight?
a) To reduce food waste b) To help local businesses c) Because residents complained about noise
d) To promote healthier eating habits
(2) When will the ban on takeaway food sales start and end?
a) From June to December b) From January to July c) From mid-May to November
d) From September to March
(3) What is one argument against the ban mentioned in the text?
a) It will harm the local economy b) It will not reduce noise c) It will increase crime
d) It will make parking difficult
(4) How does the ban affect tourists, according to the spokesperson?
a) They will find it easier to sleep b) They will have to leave earlier
c) They will have fewer food options d) They will enjoy more activities




(1) c) Because residents complained about noise
(2) c) From mid-May to November
(3) b) It will not reduce noise
(4) c) They will have fewer food options

□ ban (禁止) □ resident (住民) □ complaint (苦情) □ noise (騒音) □ gather (集まる) □ district (地区) □ deputy mayor (副市長) □ balance (バランスをとる) □ spokesperson (スポークスマン) □ reduce (減らす) □ argue (主張する) □ solve (解決する) □ inconvenience (不便)
