
【1日5分英文多読&速読】<10>”Chimpanzees and Plant Medicine”~大学入試英語頻出トピックを問題&音声つきで読もう!~



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Chimpanzees and Plant Medicine

For centuries, humans have used plants for medicinal purposes. Recent studies show that chimpanzees, our closest relatives, also possess this remarkable ability. Researchers from Oxford University observed chimpanzees in Uganda’s Budongo Central Forest Reserve when ill or injured.

The scientists documented fascinating instances of self-medication among these primates. A male chimpanzee with an injured hand sought out specific fern leaves with potential anti-inflammatory properties. Another chimpanzee, suffering from a parasitic infection, consumed cat-thorn tree bark to possibly alleviate its condition.

The research team discovered a strong link between the chimpanzees’ ailments and the medicinal properties of the plants they consumed. Analysis of plant extracts not typically part of the chimpanzees’ diet revealed that 88% contained anti-bacterial properties, while 33% exhibited anti-inflammatory qualities.

Dr. Elodie Freymann, an anthropologist involved in the study, stated, “Our findings suggest that Budongo chimpanzees consume several species with potent medicinal properties.” This groundbreaking research sheds light on chimpanzee behavior and opens up new possibilities for exploring natural remedies in human healthcare. The study may pave the way for a greater understanding of plant-based medicine and its potential applications in modern medical practices. (202 words)

☆Answer the questions☆

(1) What ability do chimpanzees share with humans according to the text?
a) Tool-making b) Language use c) Medicinal plant use d) Agriculture
(2) Where did the Oxford University researchers conduct their study?
a) Oxford, UK b) Budongo Central Forest Reserve, Uganda c) A laboratory d) Multiple locations in Africa
(3) What percentage of analyzed plant extracts contained anti-bacterial properties?
a) 33% b) 50% c) 75% d) 88%
(4) According to Dr. Freymann, what do Budongo chimpanzees consume?
a) Only fruits and vegetables b) Mainly meat c) Several species with potent medicinal properties d) Only plants without medicinal properties







(1) c) Medicinal plant use
(2) b) Budongo Central Forest Reserve, Uganda
(3) d) 88%
(4) c) Several species with potent medicinal properties

□ medicinal (薬用の) □ remarkable (注目に値する) □ researcher (研究者) □ observe (観察する) □ instance (事例) □ self-medication (自己治療) □ primate (霊長類) □ injury (怪我) □ potential (潜在的な) □ anti-inflammatory (抗炎症性の) □ parasite (寄生虫) □ infection (感染)
□ alleviate (軽減する) □ ailment (病気) □ extract (抽出物) □ anti-bacterial (抗菌性の) □ anthropologist (人類学者) □ groundbreaking (画期的な) □ natural remedy (自然療法) □ application (応用)
