“I accidentally spilled the beans all over my keyboard, and now my computer knows all my secrets!”
“Spill the beans” (idiom) – This phrase means to reveal a secret or disclose information that was previously unknown. It often implies that the information was shared unintentionally or without the consent of the person who desired to keep it secret.
“Spill the beans”の語源は、古代ギリシャの投票方法に由来すると言われています。有罪か無罪かを決める際に、白い豆は無罪を、黒い豆は有罪を意味していました。投票箱が倒れて豆がこぼれると、投票結果が明らかになってしまうことから、この表現が生まれました。
(1) I didn’t mean to spill the beans about the surprise party, but I accidentally mentioned it to the birthday girl.
(2) If you promise not to spill the beans, I’ll tell you a secret about my new job.
(3) The suspect finally spilled the beans and confessed to the crime after hours of interrogation.