
【英検1級対策講座】モデル・スピーチ集1 ~Are renewable energy sources sufficient to meet global energy demands?~


【Q】Are renewable energy sources sufficient to meet global energy demands?




The potential of renewable energy sources to meet global energy demands is a subject of intense debate among experts. While some argue that renewable energy can satisfy the world’s power needs, others contend that the current limitations and challenges make it difficult to achieve. Here, I present a balanced perspective on this issue.

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, hydro, and geothermal, have made remarkable progress in the last few decades, contributing to a considerable portion of the overall energy mix. Advances in technology have made these sources increasingly efficient, and as a result, they have become more competitive with traditional fossil fuels. In some regions, renewable energy can already meet or even exceed local demand.

However, several challenges exist that make it difficult for renewable energy sources to completely replace fossil fuels in the short to medium term. First, the intermittent nature of solar and wind power requires effective energy storage solutions, which are currently limited by technological constraints and costs. Second, the geographic distribution of these resources is uneven, necessitating the development of extensive transmission infrastructure to deliver power to areas with high demand.

Additionally, the transition to a fully renewable energy system would require significant investment in research, development, and infrastructure. This process would be time-consuming and may not keep pace with the rapidly growing global energy demands driven by population growth and economic development.

In conclusion, while renewable energy sources hold immense promise for a sustainable future, they are not yet sufficient to meet global energy demands in their entirety. A pragmatic approach involving a combination of renewables, energy efficiency, and advanced energy storage technologies is needed to address the world’s energy challenges. (250 words)







番号 英語 日本語訳
1 renewable energy sources 再生可能エネルギー源
2 intense debate 激しい議論
3 satisfy 満たす
4 limitations and challenges 制限と課題
5 balanced perspective バランスのとれた見方
6 solar 太陽光
7 wind 風力
8 hydro 水力
9 geothermal 地熱
10 remarkable progress 目覚ましい進歩
11 energy mix エネルギーの混合
12 advances in technology 技術の進歩
13 competitive 競争力のある
14 traditional fossil fuels 従来の化石燃料
15 exceed 超える
16 intermittent nature 断続的な性質
17 effective energy storage solutions 効果的なエネルギー貯蔵ソリューション
18 technological constraints and costs 技術的制約とコスト
19 geographic distribution 地理的分布
20 extensive transmission infrastructure 大規模な送電インフラ
21 significant investment 大規模な投資
22 research and development 研究開発
23 time-consuming 時間のかかる
24 keep pace with 歩調を合わせる
25 rapidly growing 急速に成長する
26 sustainable future 持続可能な未来
27 sufficient 十分な
28 pragmatic approach 実用的なアプローチ
29 energy efficiency エネルギー効率
30 advanced energy storage technologies 先進的なエネルギー貯蔵技術
31 address 対処する
32 energy challenges エネルギー上の課題