
【Smart Citiesの意味は?】スマートシティとは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき

【Smart city】 (スマートシティー)

Smart cities integrate advanced technologies and data analytics to optimize urban services, enhance sustainability, and improve citizens’ quality of life. By leveraging the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), and big data, smart cities can efficiently manage resources like energy, water, and transportation. Connected sensors and devices collect real-time data, enabling city officials to make informed decisions and respond quickly to challenges. Smart cities also prioritize eco-friendly solutions, such as renewable energy, green buildings, and waste reduction. Ultimately, the goal is to create more livable, resilient, and economically prosperous urban environments that benefit both residents and the planet.


<<Key Terms>>

・Smart cities (スマートシティ) – urban areas that use technology and data to improve services and quality of life「サービスと生活の質を向上させるために技術とデータを活用する都市エリア」

・Internet of Things (IoT) (モノのインターネット) – interconnected devices and sensors that collect and exchange data「データを収集・交換する相互接続されたデバイスとセンサー」

・Artificial Intelligence (AI) (人工知能) – computer systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence

・Big data (ビッグデータ) – large, complex datasets that can be analyzed for insights and decision-making「洞察と意思決定のために分析できる大規模で複雑なデータセット」

・Sustainability (持続可能性) – meeting present needs without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs

・Renewable energy (再生可能エネルギー) – energy from sources that replenish naturally, like solar, wind, and hydro「太陽光、風力、水力など、自然に補充されるエネルギー源からのエネルギー」

・Green buildings (グリーンビルディング) – buildings designed to be environmentally friendly and resource-efficient「環境に優しく、資源効率の良い設計の建物」

・Waste reduction (廃棄物削減) – minimizing the amount of waste generated and sent to landfills「発生する廃棄物の量と埋立地に送られる廃棄物の量を最小限に抑えること」

・Resilient (回復力のある) – able to withstand and recover quickly from challenges or disruptions「課題や混乱に耐え、すばやく回復できる」

・Livable (住みやすい) – having a high quality of life and being suitable for living「生活の質が高く、住むのに適している」