“I wanted to hide my skeleton in the closet, but it kept rattling its bones and demanded more calcium!”
“Skeleton in the closet” (idiom) – This phrase refers to a shameful secret or embarrassing past that someone tries to keep hidden from others. It implies that if this information were to be revealed, it would damage the person’s reputation.
“Skeleton in the closet”の語源は、19世紀のイギリスに由来すると言われています。当時、解剖学の研究のために人間の骸骨を入手することは違法でした。そのため、解剖学者たちは骸骨をクローゼットに隠して保管していました。
(1) The politician’s campaign was ruined when reporters discovered the skeleton in his closet – a past criminal record.
(2) She seemed like the perfect candidate for the job, but during the background check, we found a skeleton in her closet that made us reconsider.
(3) The company’s image was tarnished when the CEO’s skeleton in the closet, a history of embezzlement, was revealed.