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WPM = 語数 ÷ 読むのにかかった秒数 × 60 × 正解数 ÷ 設問数
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★英語読解力(英文速読力)を上げるカギはWPMにあり!WPMとは?自分のWPM (Words Per Minute)計算・測定方法は?RAPID READING METHOD★
1.True or False: The passage suggests that remote work has become more common since the COVID-19 pandemic.
2. True or False: According to the passage, remote work always improves work-life balance for employees.
3. True or False: The author mentions that remote work can lead to longer working hours and difficulty disconnecting from work.
4. True or False: The passage recommends that companies provide clear guidelines and support for remote workers to maintain work-life balance.
5. True or False: The author believes that remote work is a temporary trend and will not continue in the future.
The Rise of Remote Work and Its Impact on Work-Life Balance
The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend of remote work, with many companies adopting flexible work arrangements to ensure business continuity and employee safety. While remote work offers numerous benefits, such as reduced commute times and increased flexibility, it also presents challenges to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
One of the main advantages of remote work is the ability to create a more personalized work environment. Employees can set up their workspace in a way that suits their preferences and enhances their productivity. Moreover, the elimination of daily commutes allows workers to allocate more time to personal pursuits, such as spending time with family, exercising, or engaging in hobbies.
However, remote work can also blur the lines between professional and personal life. Without clear boundaries, employees may find themselves working longer hours and struggling to disconnect from work-related tasks. The lack of physical separation between work and home can lead to increased stress levels and a sense of being “always on.”
To address these challenges, companies must provide clear guidelines and support for remote workers. Managers should encourage employees to set specific working hours, take regular breaks, and prioritize self-care. Additionally, organizations can invest in virtual team-building activities and communication tools to foster a sense of connection and collaboration among remote team members.
As remote work becomes more prevalent, it is crucial for both employees and employers to find strategies to maintain a healthy work-life balance. By embracing the benefits of remote work while actively addressing its challenges, individuals and organizations can create a more sustainable and fulfilling work environment in the digital age. (275語)
1.True – 本文では、COVID-19のパンデミック以降、リモートワークがより一般的になったと示唆されています。
2. False – 本文によると、リモートワークは常に従業員のワークライフバランスを改善するとは限りません。
3. True – 著者は、リモートワークが長時間労働や仕事から切り離すことの難しさにつながる可能性があることに言及しています。
4. True – 本文は、企業がリモートワーカーのワークライフバランスを維持するために明確なガイドラインとサポートを提供することを推奨しています。
5. False – 著者は、リモートワークが一時的なトレンドではなく、将来も続くと考えています。
・accelerate: 加速する
・trend: 傾向、トレンド
・adopt: 採用する
・flexible work arrangements: 柔軟な労働形態
・business continuity: 事業の継続性
・commute: 通勤
・allocate: 割り当てる
・blur the lines: 境界線を曖昧にする
・disconnect: 切り離す
・self-care: セルフケア
・foster: 育む、促進する
・collaboration: コラボレーション、協力
・prevalent: 一般的な、広く行き渡った
・sustainable: 持続可能な
・fulfilling: 充実した
・”While A, B”: Aである一方で、Bである(AとBの対比)
・”Without A, B”: Aがないと、Bになる(AとBの因果関係)