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1.True or False: According to the passage, electric vehicles are already widely adopted globally.
2. True or False: The author suggests that autonomous vehicles could potentially reduce traffic accidents.
3. True or False: The passage implies that the transition to electric and autonomous vehicles will be quick and easy.
4. True or False: The author believes that government policies play a crucial role in promoting the adoption of electric vehicles.
5. True or False: The passage indicates that electric and autonomous vehicles will have no impact on urban planning and infrastructure.
The Future of Transportation: Electric and Autonomous Vehicles
Transportation is on the cusp of a major transformation, with electric and autonomous vehicles poised to revolutionize the way we move. Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained significant traction in recent years due to advancements in battery technology and growing concerns about climate change. Many countries have set ambitious targets to phase out gasoline-powered vehicles in favor of EVs, but widespread adoption will require significant investments in charging infrastructure and incentives to encourage consumers to make the switch.
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) are another promising development in transportation. AVs use sensors, cameras, and artificial intelligence to navigate roads without human input. Proponents argue that AVs could dramatically reduce traffic accidents, which are often caused by human error. Additionally, AVs could increase mobility for elderly and disabled individuals who may not be able to drive themselves. However, there are still technical, legal, and ethical challenges to overcome before AVs become mainstream.
The transition to electric and autonomous vehicles will likely be gradual, as the technology matures and becomes more affordable. Governments can play a key role in accelerating this shift by implementing policies that promote EV adoption, such as tax incentives, subsidies, and emissions regulations. Urban planners will also need to rethink transportation infrastructure to accommodate EVs and AVs, such as installing charging stations and redesigning roads and parking spaces.
In conclusion, electric and autonomous vehicles represent a promising future for transportation. While there are still obstacles to overcome, the potential benefits—including reduced emissions, improved safety, and increased mobility—make this transition a worthwhile pursuit. As individuals, we can support this shift by considering EVs for our next vehicle purchase and staying informed about developments in autonomous technology. (284語)
1.False – 本文では、EVの広範な採用にはまだ充電インフラへの投資とインセンティブが必要だと述べられています。
2. True – 著者は、AVにより人為的ミスによる交通事故が大幅に減少する可能性があると示唆しています。
3. False – 本文は、電気自動車と自律走行車への移行は徐々に進むと示唆しています。
4. True – 著者は、EVの採用を促進する政策の実施において、政府が重要な役割を果たすと考えています。
5. False – 本文は、都市計画者がEVとAVに対応するために交通インフラを見直す必要があると示唆しています。
・on the cusp of: 〜の直前にある
・revolutionize: 革命を起こす
・traction: 注目、関心
・phase out: 段階的に廃止する
・charging infrastructure: 充電インフラ
・proponent: 支持者
・mobility: モビリティ、移動性
・mainstream: 主流
・accelerate: 加速する
・subsidy: 補助金
・emissions: 排出量
・accommodate: 対応する、適応する
・pursuit: 追求
・”poised to + 動詞”: 〜する態勢にある
・”in favor of + 名詞”: 〜を支持して
・”due to + 名詞”: 〜が原因で