“I tried to reach the pie in the sky, but I ended up with a face full of whipped cream!”
“Pie in the sky” (idiom) – This phrase refers to an idea or plan that is impossible, unrealistic, or unlikely to happen. It suggests that someone is being overly optimistic or dreaming about something that’s not feasible.
“Pie in the sky”の語源は、1911年に労働組合の活動家であるジョー・ヒルが書いた「The Preacher and the Slave」という歌の一節に由来しています。この歌では、説教師が貧しい人々に来世での報酬を約束する一方で、現世での生活の改善を求める要求を無視することを風刺しています。
(1) His plan to become a millionaire overnight is just pie in the sky.
(2) Don’t believe their promises; they’re just selling you pie in the sky.
(3) The idea of a perfect world without conflict is nothing but pie in the sky.