“I ordered a blue steak at a restaurant once in a blue moon, but they said it was a rare request!”
“Once in a blue moon” (idiom) – This phrase is used to describe an event or occurrence that happens very rarely, almost never. It emphasizes the infrequency and uniqueness of the occasion.
“Once in a blue moon”の語源は、実際の天文現象に由来しています。「ブルームーン」とは、1つの暦月に2回目の満月が現れる現象のことを指します。これは約2〜3年に1度しか起こらないため、「ブルームーン」は稀なイベントを表す言葉となりました。
(1) I only go to the dentist once in a blue moon because I take really good care of my teeth.
(2) My busy schedule allows me to see my old friends only once in a blue moon.
(3) Winning the lottery happens once in a blue moon for most people.