

Obon: Japan’s Festival of Souls

Obon, one of Japan’s most important holidays, is a time when the spirits of ancestors are believed to return to the world of the living. This fascinating festival, rich in history and tradition, offers a unique glimpse into Japanese culture and spirituality.



Origins and History

The origins of Obon can be traced back to an ancient Buddhist custom. According to legend, a disciple of Buddha named Mokuren discovered his deceased mother suffering in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts. Following Buddha’s advice, Mokuren made offerings to Buddhist monks, which led to his mother’s release. Overjoyed, Mokuren danced with happiness, giving birth to the Bon Odori dance that is now a central part of Obon celebrations.



When is Obon Celebrated?

Traditionally, Obon was observed according to the lunar calendar. However, after Japan adopted the Gregorian calendar in 1873, the dates for Obon became more varied across the country. Today, most regions in Japan celebrate Obon from August 13th to 16th, although some areas still observe it in July or follow the lunar calendar.



Obon Traditions

During Obon, families engage in various customs to honor their ancestors:

  1. Mukae-bon: On the first day, people light lanterns to guide their ancestors’ spirits home.
  2. Obon dances: Communities gather for Bon Odori, traditional dances performed to the rhythms of taiko drums.
  3. Grave visits: Families clean and decorate their ancestors’ graves.
  4. Food offerings: Special dishes are prepared and offered at home altars and temples.
  5. Toro Nagashi: On the final day, floating lanterns are released into rivers and seas to guide the spirits back to their world.




  1. 迎え盆:初日に、人々は先祖の霊を家に導くためにランタンを灯します。
  2. 盆踊り:コミュニティが集まり、太鼓のリズムに合わせて伝統的な踊りを踊ります。
  3. 墓参り:家族が先祖の墓を掃除し、飾り付けます。
  4. 供物:特別な料理が用意され、家の仏壇や寺院に供えられます。
  5. 灯籠流し:最終日に、先祖の霊を元の世界に導くため、川や海に灯籠を流します。

Regional Variations

Obon celebrations vary across Japan, adding to the festival’s charm:

  • In Kyoto, the famous Gozan no Okuribi (Five Mountain Bonfires) event features giant bonfires lit on mountainsides, forming kanji characters and other shapes.
  • In Tokushima Prefecture, the Awa Odori festival showcases a unique and energetic dance style.
  • In Okinawa, Obon is marked by the “Eisa” dance, performed to honor ancestors with rhythmic movements and drum beats.




  • 京都では、有名な五山送り火(五山の送り火)が行われ、山腹に巨大な火文字や形が描かれます。
  • 徳島県では、阿波踊りという独特で活気のある踊りが披露されます。
  • 沖縄では、リズミカルな動きと太鼓の音で先祖を敬う「エイサー」という踊りでお盆を祝います。

Modern Obon

While maintaining its spiritual significance, Obon has also become one of Japan’s major holiday seasons. Many Japanese people take time off work to return to their hometowns, making it one of the busiest travel periods in the country.In 2024, the peak of the Obon travel season is expected to occur between August 10th and 18th. With the right planning, this could result in a maximum nine-day holiday for many workers.



Obon Beyond Japan

Interestingly, Obon is not limited to Japan. Japanese communities in countries like Brazil, Argentina, and the Philippines also celebrate this festival, often incorporating local cultural elements.




  • The word “Obon” comes from the Sanskrit term “Ullambana,” which means “to hang upside down” – a reference to the suffering of spirits in the afterlife.
  • In some regions, people make “spirit animals” from vegetables: horses from cucumbers to carry ancestors swiftly, and cows from eggplants for a slow return journey.
  • The famous Japanese song “Tankō Bushi” is often played during Bon Odori dances.



  • 「お盆」という言葉はサンスクリット語の「ウランバナ」に由来し、「逆さまにぶら下がる」という意味で、来世での霊の苦しみを指しています。
  • 一部の地域では、野菜で「精霊動物」を作ります:キュウリで馬を作って先祖を素早く運び、ナスで牛を作ってゆっくりと帰る旅を表現します。
  • 有名な日本の歌「炭坑節」は、盆踊りの際によく演奏されます。
Obon offers a fascinating blend of spirituality, tradition, and modern celebration. Whether you’re in Japan or elsewhere, experiencing Obon can provide deep insights into Japanese culture and the universal human desire to honor our ancestors.


Obon is a major Japanese holiday celebrated in mid-August. It’s a time when people honor their ancestors’ spirits. Many Japanese return to their hometowns to visit family graves, clean them, and offer food and flowers. Families often gather for special meals and to welcome the spirits home.

You might see beautiful lantern festivals or traditional Bon dances in yukata (light summer kimono). Some areas float lanterns on rivers or light bonfires on mountains to guide spirits.

During Obon, you can witness unique customs like “Obon-mukae,” where people prepare special food offerings for ancestors. Many households set up a small altar called “butsudan” to welcome spirits. The festival concludes with “Okuribon,” where people send off the spirits, often by floating lanterns on water or releasing them into the sky. These rituals offer a fascinating glimpse into Japanese spiritual beliefs and family traditions.



