













I support limited part-time work for high school students with proper regulations. Working 10-12 hours per week can teach valuable life skills like time management, responsibility, and financial literacy. For example, a student working at a café on weekends can learn customer service while maintaining study time. However, strict hour limits are necessary to prevent academic decline. The focus should remain on education, with work serving as supplementary experience rather than a primary commitment.





1. 英作文のお題を <日本語または英語> で、生徒の回答を (英語) で示す。
2. スコアリング(100点満点) を行う。
3. ミスの指摘: 文中の誤り部分を太字でハイライトし、適宜ポジティブな声掛けも行う。
4. ミス一覧表: 誤り箇所・ミスの種類/理由・正しい表現 をまとめる。
5. リライト文: ミスを修正した完成版を作成する。
6. 模範解答2パターン: たとえば「基礎レベル」と「発展レベル」、「賛成」と「反対」など、異なる角度で2種類の例文を提示する。
7. アドバイス: 英作文のクオリティを高めるための文法的・内容的なアドバイスを行う。


(I support limited part-time work for high school students with proper regulations. Working 10-12 hours per week can teach valuable life skills like time management, responsibility, and financial literacy. For example, a student working at a café on weekends can learn customer service while maintaining study time. However, strict hour limits are necessary to prevent academic decline. The focus should remain on education, with work serving as supplementary experience rather than a primary commitment.)


1. スコアリング(100点満点)
2. ミスの指摘(太字でハイライト)
3. ミス一覧表
4. リライト文
5. 模範解答 2パターン
例: 「基礎レベル」「発展レベル」、「賛成」「反対」など、別視点・別表現で2種の模範英文を提示。
6. アドバイス

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1. スコアリング(100点満点)


2. ミスの指摘(太字でハイライト)

(I support limited part-time work for high school students with proper regulations. Working 10-12 hours per week can teach valuable life skills like time management, responsibility, and financial literacy. For example, a student working at a café on weekends can learn customer service while maintaining study time. However, strict hour limits are necessary to prevent academic decline. The focus should remain on education, with work serving as supplementary experience rather than a primary commitment.)

3. ミス一覧表

誤り箇所 ミスの種類/理由 正しい表現
limited 表現が曖昧。制限される点を具体的に示す必要がある。 “regulated” または “restricted work hours”
10-12 数値表現がカジュアルすぎる。 “10 to 12”
maintaining study time 意味が不明瞭。学業との両立を明確にする表現が望ましい。 “affecting study time” または “balancing study time”
academic decline 表現が抽象的。学業成績の低下をより具体的に示す必要がある。 “a decline in academic performance”

4. リライト文

I support part-time work for high school students under proper regulations. Working 10 to 12 hours per week can teach valuable life skills such as time management, responsibility, and financial literacy. For example, a student working at a café on weekends can learn customer service while balancing study time. However, strict limits on work hours are necessary to prevent a decline in academic performance. The focus should remain on education, with work serving as a supplementary experience rather than a primary commitment.

5. 模範解答 2パターン

I support regulated part-time work for high school students because it provides experience while ensuring education remains the priority. Limiting work to 10 to 12 hours per week allows students to develop essential skills such as time management, customer service, and responsibility. For example, a student working in a café gains teamwork and financial literacy without affecting study time. Strict limits help effectively prevent negative impacts on academic performance, ensuring work is indeed a beneficial supplement rather than a distraction.

In my view, part-time employment for high school students is advantageous when accompanied by stringent regulations. Limiting work hours to 10 to 12 per week enables students to acquire practical skills, including time management, financial acumen, and interpersonal communication, without detracting from their academic pursuits. For instance, working at a local café offers hands-on experience in customer service and teamwork. Enforcing strict work-hour limits consistently ensures that employment remains an enriching complement to formal education rather than an academic hindrance.

6. アドバイス

  • 具体性の向上: 「limited」ではなく「regulated」など、何が制限されるのか明確に表現しましょう。
  • 数値表現: 数字は“10 to 12”とすることでフォーマルな印象になります。
  • バランスの強調: 勉強と仕事の両立を示す表現を用いると説得力が増します。
  • 語彙の工夫: 模範解答では基礎と発展の両面から表現を工夫し、バリエーションを持たせるとさらに良いです。

