英検準2級プラスの英作文は、「身近な社会的な話題について、情報や自身の考えなどを多様な語句を用いながら50~60語の英文で書き、理由を2つ述べる」という形式です。準2級に比べ、やや複雑なトピックと豊富な語彙力が求められます。ここでは、時間配分から構成テンプレート、文法チェックリスト、さらには頻出テーマの予想問題と解答例(Yes/No 両方)を大公開します!
• あなたは、外国人の知り合いから以下の QUESTIONをされました。
• QUESTIONについて、あなたの意見とその理由を2つ英文で書きなさい。
• 解答の目安は50語~60語です。
• 解答欄の外に書かれたものは採点されません。
• 解答がQUESTIONに対応していないと判断された場合は、0点と採点されることがあります。QUESTIONをよく読んでから答えてください。
Do you think it is a good idea for people to ask other people to take care of their pets while they travel?
<Yesの場合>Yes, I believe it is a good idea for people to ask others to take care of their pets while they travel. First, it allows the pet to remain in a familiar environment. Second, it gives owners peace of mind knowing a trusted friend is providing daily care. This can reduce stress for everyone involved.
<Noの場合>I do not think that students need to read a newspaper more often. First, they can get news on the Internet. For example, online articles or videos are more convenient.Second, newspapers cost money and produce waste. For instance, many papers end up as trash.
That is why I disagree with reading newspapers frequently.
1. 時間配分:15~20分でスラスラ書くための秘訣
ステップ | 目安時間 | 具体的行動 |
1. QUESTION把握 | 1~2分 | – 質問文をじっくり読む。- YesかNoか、あるいは賛成か反対かを素早く決める。 |
2. 理由のアイデア出し | 2~3分 | – 2つの理由を考え、ササッとメモ。- 具体例やキーワード(英/日どちらでもOK)を忘れずに書く。 |
3. 枠組み・文構成 | 2~3分 | – 「導入 → 理由1 → 理由2 → 結論」の順番を決定。- 接続詞や使えそうなフレーズをメモ。 |
4. 英文を書く | 6~8分 | – テンプレートを参考に一気に書き上げる。- シンプルかつ明確に、50~60語を意識する。 |
5. チェック・語数調整 | 2~4分 | – 文法・スペル・冠詞などを見直す。- 50~60語を確保しつつ冗長表現がないか再確認。 |
- 「構成を考える時間」を削りすぎると、書いている途中で迷ってしまい、文が散漫になりがち。
- 最初の数分で意見&理由のざっくりメモをとるだけで、執筆が数倍はかどります。
2. お決まりの流れ:導入 → 理由1 → 理由2 → 結論
2-1. 全体構成を一瞬で作れるテンプレート
英作文では、「意見 → 理由1(+補足) → 理由2(+補足) → 結論」のシンプル構成が鉄板です。具体的には下記のような流れをイメージしましょう。
- 導入(主張):
- I (agree / disagree) with the idea that ~.
- I think ~. / I believe ~.
- …などで端的に意見を示す。
- 理由1:
- First, ~.
- For example, … や For instance, … で補足。
- 理由2:
- Second, ~.
- This is because … や Another example is … などで補足。
- 結論(まとめ):
- That is why I (agree / disagree) with ~.
- Therefore, I think ~.
- …ともう一度意見を繰り返して締める。
- 理由を2つ必ず入れる。1つしかないと減点されます。
- 理由の導入に「First, Second, Finally…」と番号を振ることで採点者にもわかりやすくなる。
3. 使いこなしたい接続表現&便利フレーズ
3-1. 接続表現
- 順序だてる
- First, … / Second, …
- Next, … / Then, … / Finally, …
- 例を挙げる
- For example, … / For instance, …
- One example is … / A good example would be …
- 理由を補足する
- This is because …
- That is why …
- Therefore, …
- 対比・逆接を示す
- However, … / On the other hand, … / Yet, …
3-2. 意見を述べるフレーズ
- 肯定
- I agree that … / I think it is a good idea to … / I strongly believe …
- 否定
- I disagree with … / I do not think … / I doubt that …
3-3. 結論をまとめるフレーズ
- 総括・まとめ
- That is why I believe … / Therefore, … / In conclusion, … / For these reasons, …
- Hence, … / Consequently, …(ややフォーマル)
4. 文法・スタイルチェックリスト
- 主語と動詞の一致
- He likes playing soccer. / They like playing soccer.
- A car is useful. / Cars are useful.
- 時制の統一
- 未来なら will + 動詞原形
- 過去なら 過去形
- 現在なら 現在形
- 途中で何の脈絡もなく時制が変わらないように注意。
- 冠詞 (a / an / the)
- 可算名詞の単数形には基本 a/an。一度出た名詞や特定の物は the。
- I saw a movie last weekend. The movie was interesting.
- スペルミス
- 特に environment, government, different, business などは要注意。
- 意外と間違えやすい: receive / believe / opportunity / responsibility etc.
- 単語数 (50~60語)
- 短すぎると指示を満たさず、長すぎると超過失点のリスク。
- 実際に1単語ごとにカウントして調整を。
- 不要な重複や不自然な長文を避ける
- 1文に詰め込みすぎず、1文=1アイデアを心がける。
- 長いカンマや接続詞の連発で読みにくい文にならないよう注意。
5. 【予想問題&模範解答】Yes / No 両方パターン
Q: Do you think companies should adopt a four-day workweek?
- Yes(賛成)例(約56語)
I think companies should adopt a four-day workweek. First, it allows employees to maintain a healthier work-life balance. For example, they can spend more time with family or exercise regularly. Second, workers might become more productive in a shorter schedule. That is why I believe a four-day workweek benefits both companies and employees.
- No(反対)例(約58語)
I do not think a four-day workweek is a good idea. First, many companies need daily support and cannot handle shorter schedules. For example, customer service might suffer if employees are absent more often. Second, some workers prefer earning overtime pay. Therefore, I believe a traditional five-day week is still necessary.
Q: Do you agree that high schools should make volunteer activities mandatory?
- Yes(賛成)例(約59語)
I agree that high schools should require volunteer work. First, it teaches students about social responsibility. For example, helping the elderly or cleaning local parks fosters civic awareness. Second, volunteering helps students develop communication skills. That is why I believe mandatory service programs benefit both communities and the students who participate in them.
- No(反対)例(約57語)
I do not agree that high schools must make volunteer work mandatory. First, some students already have busy schedules with club activities and part-time jobs. Second, forced volunteering can reduce genuine motivation. For instance, they might see it as a burden. That is why I believe volunteer activities should remain optional, not required.
Q: Should schools provide free meals to all students?
- Yes(賛成)例(約55語)
I think schools should offer free meals. First, it ensures every student eats healthy food, regardless of family income. For example, some children skip meals due to financial problems. Second, free meals can improve students’ concentration. Therefore, I believe free lunches help create a better learning environment for everyone.
- No(反対)例(約59語)
I do not think providing free meals to all students is necessary. First, it is expensive for the government or the school budget, which might raise taxes. Second, some families can afford to pay for meals. That is why I believe free school lunches should be offered only to students who truly need them.
Q: Do you think people will rely more on online shopping in the future?
- Yes(賛成)例(約58語)
I think online shopping will become even more popular. First, it offers convenience and time-saving benefits. For example, people can buy groceries without leaving home. Second, many products are cheaper online because of competitive pricing. That is why I believe more consumers will rely on online stores instead of visiting physical shops.
- No(反対)例(約56語)
I do not believe online shopping will completely replace physical stores. First, many people enjoy trying products in person, such as clothes or shoes. Second, local shops provide personal customer service. Therefore, I think traditional shopping will remain important for those who prefer a hands-on experience.
Q: Should high school students be required to bring laptops to school?
- Yes(賛成)例(約55語)
I think high school students should bring laptops to school. First, it improves digital literacy, which is essential for future careers. Second, students can research information quickly during class. For example, they can access online libraries. That is why I believe requiring laptops can enhance learning efficiency and modernize education.
- No(反対)例(約58語)
I do not think students must bring laptops to school. First, not all families can afford them, which creates inequality. Second, constant internet access may distract students. For example, they might browse social media instead of studying. Therefore, I believe schools should provide devices only when necessary.
Q: Do you think the government should ban free plastic bags in shops?
- Yes(賛成)例(約58語)
I believe the government should ban free plastic bags. First, it helps reduce plastic waste, which harms the environment. For example, sea animals often ingest plastic. Second, charging for bags encourages people to use reusable ones. That is why I think eliminating free plastic bags is an effective way to protect our planet.
- No(反対)例(約60語)
I do not think the government should ban free plastic bags entirely. First, some customers need them unexpectedly, such as those who forget reusable bags. Second, paper or cloth alternatives might be inconvenient or expensive. Therefore, I believe improving recycling systems is better than completely banning plastic bags.
Q: Is it a good idea for universities to offer more online courses?
- Yes(賛成)例(約59語)
I think universities should provide more online courses. First, online lectures allow busy or distant students to access higher education. For example, working adults can study without quitting their jobs. Second, virtual classes can reduce campus crowding. That is why I believe expanding online programs benefits both students and universities.
- No(反対)例(約60語)
I do not believe universities should focus too much on online courses. First, face-to-face interactions with professors and classmates are crucial for effective learning. Second, some practical subjects require on-site facilities. For example, science labs or art studios cannot be replaced by virtual sessions. That is why I think traditional courses remain essential.
Q: Should parents strictly limit their children’s screen time?
- Yes(賛成)例(約54語)
I believe parents should set strict limits on screen time. First, too much screen use can harm children’s health, leading to poor sleep or eyesight problems. Second, it can affect their social skills. For example, kids might spend less time talking to friends. That is why I think parental control is necessary.
- No(反対)例(約58語)
I do not think parents must strictly control children’s screen time. First, screens can be educational if used wisely. For example, children can learn new skills through online videos. Second, self-regulation is important for their future. That is why I believe teaching responsible screen use is better than setting hard limits.
Q: Do you agree that social media has a positive influence on society?
- Yes(賛成)例(約57語)
I agree that social media positively influences society. First, it connects people across the world, allowing them to share ideas quickly. For example, users can support charity events or social movements. Second, it spreads information faster than traditional media. Therefore, I believe social platforms help unify communities and encourage global communication.
- No(反対)例(約59語)
I do not agree that social media is always positive. First, it often spreads false information, causing confusion or panic. Second, spending too much time online can damage mental health. For instance, some people feel pressured by unrealistic images. That is why I think social media can negatively affect our society.
Q: Should more people consider living in rural areas instead of big cities?
- Yes(賛成)例(約60語)
I think more people should consider moving to rural areas. First, living costs are generally lower, which helps families save money. Second, people can enjoy a healthier lifestyle with cleaner air and less stress. For example, they can grow their own vegetables. That is why I believe rural life offers many advantages over urban living.
- No(反対)例(約57語)
I do not think more people need to move to rural areas. First, cities provide better access to jobs, healthcare, and education. For example, large companies and universities are usually located downtown. Second, some people prefer the convenience of public transportation and shopping. Therefore, I believe urban living remains more practical for many.
6. “目から鱗”のポイントまとめ
- 短時間で「Yes/No・理由2つ」を決定
- 最初の数分で「自分はYesかNoか」「理由をどう挙げるか」を即断するだけで、執筆に迷わない。
- テンプレートに沿えばスムーズ
- 「I think ~. First, ~. Second, ~. That is why ~.」と書くと、2つの理由と意見が自然に収まる。
- 具体例の挿入が鍵
- “For example, …” とワンフレーズ入れるだけで、説得力が一気にUP。
- 自分の実体験でもOK(ただし書きすぎないこと)。
- 語数と文法ミス
- 50~60語を守る。
- 見直し時は、冠詞・単複・スペルの3大ポイントを重点チェック。
- 無理に難しい単語を使わない
- シンプルで正確な文の方が減点を防ぎ、読んでいてわかりやすい。
- “necessary”, “important”, “useful” などでも十分評価される。
7. 実践練習のすすめ
- ストップウォッチで本番同様に
- 15~20分をきっちり計り、「QUESTION→意見決定→理由メモ→執筆→見直し」という流れを繰り返す。
- 短い時間で考えをまとめる練習が最重要。
- Yes / No両方の立場を書いてみる
- 実際の試験ではどちらで書いてもOKだが、両方で練習しておけば、どんなトピックにも応用できる。
- 過去問題や英語ニュースを活用
- ニュース記事の見出しをQUESTIONに見立て、意見を英語で書くトレーニングも効果的。
- フィードバックを得る
- 学校の先生や英語仲間に添削してもらうと、ミスやクセを客観的に把握できる。
- 限られた時間で構成を素早く立てるコツ
- シンプルかつ的確な接続詞・フレーズの活用
- 文法チェックと語数管理
毎日の練習でテンプレートを使いこなし、「First, …」「Second, …」「For example, …」「That is why …」などのお決まり表現をサッと書けるようにしておきましょう。シンプルな仕組みですが、徹底的に身に付けるとどんなトピックでも自在に回答できるようになります。ぜひこのマニュアルを活用して、英検準2級プラス合格を勝ち取ってください!