

★ 全体の配分の目安:
– リーディング・ライティング (33問): 90分
– リスニング: 30分
★ リーディング・ライティングの配分の目安:
– 短文空所補充 (18問): 10分
– 長文空所補充 (6問): 15分
– 長文の内容一致問題 (7問): 20分
– ライティング (2問): 40分※
– 見直し: 5分
– リスニングの先読み: 上記の目安で余った時間
1. 意見論述問題
– 従来からある問題形式で、指定されたトピックについて自分の意見を論理的に述べる必要があります。
– 推奨時間は25分程度です。
2. 要約問題
– 新たに追加された問題形式です。与えられた英文(約200語程度)を60-70語に要約する必要があります。
– 推奨時間は15分程度と考えられています。
① 内容 – 英文の要点を適切に捉えているか
② 構成 – 論理的に文章を構築できているか
③ 語彙・文法 – 適切な語彙・文法を用いているか
④ 表現 – 文の構造や語句の言い換えに工夫があるか
★ おすすめの解答順:
1) ライティング: 配点も高く、合否に大きく影響するため十分な時間を確保!
2) 短文空所補充
3) 長文空所補充
4) 長文の内容一致問題
5) 見直し
★ 時間配分のコツ:
– わからない問題はとりあえず飛ばして後で戻って考える
– ライティングは最初に構成を考え、数文ごとに再度チェックをする
– リスニングの選択肢は先読みしておく
★ 時間内に解くための勉強法:
– 過去問で、セクションごとにかかった時間を計測、記録する。(学習タイマーを購入し、上の時間配分めやすにタイマーを合わせて解く)
– パス単を購入し、単語力を強化して問題を素早く理解できるようにする
T-587ラーニングタイマー – 株式会社ドリテック (dretec.co.jp)
The Mystery of the Moai
The moai are enormous stone statues found on Easter Island, a remote volcanic island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The island, also known as Rapa Nui, is famous for these monolithic human figures, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries. The moai are believed to represent the ancestors of the Rapa Nui and were erected on massive stone platforms called ahu, which ( 1 ). The process of creating and transporting these massive statues, some weighing over 80 tons, remains a mystery to this day.
Researchers have proposed various theories about how the Rapa Nui people transported the moai from the quarry where they were carved to their final locations on the island. One theory suggests that the statues were “walked” to their destinations by rocking them back and forth, while another proposes that they were rolled on logs. However, the exact method used ( 2 ), as the Rapa Nui left no written records of their techniques.
Recent studies have also shed light on the possible reasons behind the decline of the Rapa Nui civilization. Some researchers believe that the construction of the moai and ahu ( 3 ), leading to deforestation, soil erosion, and a scarcity of resources. This environmental degradation, combined with other factors such as overpopulation and internal conflicts, may have contributed to the collapse of the Rapa Nui society.
1 are scattered throughout the island
2 were used for religious ceremonies
3 have been restored by modern archaeologists
4 were built using advanced technology
1 remains a topic of debate among scholars
2 has been conclusively proven by archaeologists
3 was likely similar to techniques used in other ancient civilizations
4 is no longer of interest to researchers
1 required significant labor and resources
2 had no impact on the island’s environment
3 was a sustainable practice
4 helped preserve the island’s natural resources
(1) ahu(アフ)は宗教的な儀式に使用されたと考えられているため、2が正解です。
(2) モアイがどのように運ばれたのかについては、研究者の間でまだ議論が続いています。ラパ・ヌイ人が書き残した記録がないため、1が正解です。
(3) モアイとアフの建設には多大な労力と資源が必要だったと考えられています。その結果、森林伐採や土壌浸食などの環境悪化を引き起こした可能性があるため、1が正解です。
The Mystery of the Moai
The moai are enormous stone statues found on Easter Island, a remote volcanic island in the southeastern Pacific Ocean. The island, also known as Rapa Nui, is famous for these monolithic human figures, which were carved by the Rapa Nui people between the 13th and 16th centuries. The moai are believed to represent the ancestors of the Rapa Nui and were erected on massive stone platforms called ahu, which were used for religious ceremonies. The process of creating and transporting these massive statues, some weighing over 80 tons, remains a mystery to this day.
Researchers have proposed various theories about how the Rapa Nui people transported the moai from the quarry where they were carved to their final locations on the island. One theory suggests that the statues were “walked” to their destinations by rocking them back and forth, while another proposes that they were rolled on logs. However, the exact method used remains a topic of debate among scholars, as the Rapa Nui left no written records of their techniques.
Recent studies have also shed light on the possible reasons behind the decline of the Rapa Nui civilization. Some researchers believe that the construction of the moai and ahu required significant labor and resources, leading to deforestation, soil erosion, and a scarcity of resources. This environmental degradation, combined with other factors such as overpopulation and internal conflicts, may have contributed to the collapse of the Rapa Nui society.