“I’ll finish my homework in due course. I’m just waiting for my pet unicorn to bring me the magic pencil.”
“In due course” is an idiom that means “at the appropriate or proper time” or “eventually.” It suggests that something will happen or be done when the time is right, following a natural progression or schedule.
⇒「in due course」は、「適切な時期に」または「そのうちには」を意味するイディオムです。何かが適切なタイミングで、自然な進行や予定に従って起こるか、行われることを示唆しています。
“Due”は、「当然の、当たり前の、予定された」という意味を持ち、”course”は「進路、経過」を意味します。つまり、”in due course”は文字通り「当然の成り行きで」という意味になります。
(1) The construction project is progressing well, and the building will be completed in due course.
(2) I’ve submitted my application for the position, and I expect to hear back from the company in due course.
(3) The government has promised to address the issue of climate change in due course.