
【Hyggelig(ヒュッゲリ)の意味は?】デンマーク語 ~翻訳しづらい世界のことば4~


★ ヒュッゲリ





Hyggelig is a special concept rooted in Danish culture, meaning finding and cherishing small joys in life. It refers to happy moments in everyday life, such as spending time with family and friends, enjoying delicious meals, warm lighting, and pleasant conversations.

To create a hyggelig atmosphere, Danes light candles, prepare tasty food, and create cozy spaces. Especially during the cold and dark winter, they value spending time with family and friends, deepening their bonds with each other.

Hyggelig emphasizes the quality of life rather than material wealth. By taking time to feel connected with oneself and loved ones amidst a busy daily life, one can increase their level of mental satisfaction.

By leading a hyggelig life, you can discover small happiness in life and cultivate a sense of gratitude. Why not incorporate this wonderful Danish custom and enrich your everyday life?