





(1) Caroline (    ) made it to the class as the train was running late due to an accident.
a. slightly  b. barely  c. rarely  d. occasionally

(2) Rice is not native (    ) Japan, though some people believe so.
a. with  b. for  c. around  d. to

(3) We could easily see how (    ) fun the kids were having in the playground because they kept running around.
a. many  b. much  c. a lot of  d. far

(4) We (    ) as well go grocery shopping as we don’t have anything else to do today.
a. might  b. could  c. should  d. would

(5) George got a second place in the diving competition, (    ) was better than his coach had expected.
a. that  b. by that  c. which  d. at which

(6) Sophia (    ) to teach a new trick to her cat for the past three hours.
a. is trying  b. has been trying  c. tries  d. is being tried

(7) It is important to maintain (    ) between your personal life and professional life.
a. boundaries  b. paces  c. shapes  d. graces

(8) Additional chairs as well as a large table (    ) into the office in preparation for a conference.
a. was bringing  b. were bringing  c. was brought  d. were brought

(9) A team of researchers started a project to (    ) a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.
a. envy  b. edit  c. explore  d. endure

(10) It was sensible (    ) you not to make a rash decision regarding a financial issue.
a. of  b. about  c. in  d. by


  1. (b) barely
  2. (d) to
  3. (b) much
  4. (a) might
  5. (c) which
  6. (b) has been trying
  7. (a) boundaries
  8. (d) were brought
  9. (c) explore
  10. (a) of


1. Caroline ( ) made it to the class as the train was running late due to an accident.

  • 正解: (b) barely
  • 解説: 「barely」は「かろうじて/ぎりぎりで」という意味を持ち、“Caroline barely made it to the class”は「事故で列車が遅れたせいで、キャロラインはなんとか授業に間に合った」という文脈に自然です。ほかの選択肢は文脈に合いません。
    • (a) slightly「わずかに」は動作に対しては不適切
    • (c) rarely「めったに~ない」
    • (d) occasionally「時々」
  • 例文:
    Caroline barely made it to the class as the train was running late due to an accident.
  • 和訳:

2. Rice is not native ( ) Japan, though some people believe so.

  • 正解: (d) to
  • 解説: “native to 〜”で「〜原産である」という表現になります。選択肢(a) with, (b) for, (c) aroundはいずれも不自然です。
    例: “The koala is native to Australia.”「コアラはオーストラリア原産だ。」
  • 例文:
    Rice is not native to Japan, though some people believe so.
  • 和訳:

3. We could easily see how ( ) fun the kids were having in the playground because they kept running around.

  • 正解: (b) much
  • 解説: “fun” は不可算名詞なので、「どれほどたくさんの楽しみか」を表すには “how much fun” が自然です。 “how many fun” は不可算名詞に使えないので誤りとなります。 “a lot of fun” は別の形で “We could see they were having a lot of fun.” という文ならOKですが、空所の直後に “fun” が来る今回の構造では “much” が定型的です。
  • 例文:
    We could easily see how much fun the kids were having in the playground because they kept running around.
  • 和訳:

4. We ( ) as well go grocery shopping as we don’t have anything else to do today.

  • 正解: (a) might
  • 解説: “might as well + 動詞” で「(他にすることもないから/どうせなら)〜してもいいだろう」という慣用表現。ここでは「今日はほかにやることもないし、食料品を買いに行ってしまったほうがいい」という意味です。
  • 例文:
    We might as well go grocery shopping as we don’t have anything else to do today.
  • 和訳:

5. George got a second place in the diving competition, ( ) was better than his coach had expected.

  • 正解: (c) which
  • 解説: 先行詞は「George got a second place in the diving competition」の内容全体を指しているため、関係代名詞の which を用いた非制限用法が適切です。 (a) that では非制限用法に使えず、(b) by that, (d) at which は文意に合いません。
  • 例文:
    George got a second place in the diving competition, which was better than his coach had expected.
  • 和訳:

6. Sophia ( ) to teach a new trick to her cat for the past three hours.

  • 正解: (b) has been trying
  • 解説: 「過去から現在までの継続」を表すので、現在完了進行形 “has been trying” が自然です。“for the past three hours”(過去3時間ずっと)という表現からもこの時制が適切。
  • 例文:
    Sophia has been trying to teach a new trick to her cat for the past three hours.
  • 和訳:

7. It is important to maintain ( ) between your personal life and professional life.

  • 正解: (a) boundaries
  • 解説: 「プライベートと仕事の間の境界線をきちんと保つことは大切」という文脈なので “boundaries” が最適。 (b) paces「歩調/ペース」(c) shapes「形」(d) graces「礼儀/優雅さ」は文意から外れます。
  • 例文:
    It is important to maintain boundaries between your personal life and professional life.
  • 和訳:

8. Additional chairs as well as a large table ( ) into the office in preparation for a conference.

  • 正解: (d) were brought
  • 解説: 主語は「Additional chairs as well as a large table」で、文法上は複数扱いになるケースが多いため “were brought” が正解。文意的にも「机やいすを(誰かが)会議の準備のためにオフィスに運んだ」という受け身が自然です。
  • 例文:
    Additional chairs as well as a large table were brought into the office in preparation for a conference.
  • 和訳:

9. A team of researchers started a project to ( ) a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.

  • 正解: (c) explore
  • 解説: 「太平洋の離島を(探検・調査)するプロジェクトを始めた」という文脈なので “explore” が適切。 (a) envy「うらやむ」(b) edit「編集する」(d) endure「耐える」は文意に合いません。
  • 例文:
    A team of researchers started a project to explore a remote island in the Pacific Ocean.
  • 和訳:

10. It was sensible ( ) you not to make a rash decision regarding a financial issue.

  • 正解: (a) of
  • 解説: “It is 形容詞 of 人 to do…” で「〜が…するのは(形容詞)だ」という表現。「安易にお金に関する決定をしなかったのは、あなたにとって賢明でした」という文意になるので “of” が自然です。
  • 例文:
    It was sensible of you not to make a rash decision regarding a financial issue.
  • 和訳:

