

  1. 彼らは危険な地域に近づかないように警告されました.
    They were warned to (       ) (       ) (       ) the dangerous area.
  2. 彼女はコートを脱いで椅子にかけました.
    She (       ) (       ) her coat and hung it on the chair.
  3. その部屋は美しい花で満ちていました.
    The room was (       ) (       ) beautiful flowers.
  4. 興奮した群衆を静めるのに時間がかかりました.
    It took time to (       ) (       ) the excited crowd.
  5. 彼は読書に夢中になっています.
    He (       ) (       ) reading.
  6. 私たちは深刻な問題に直面しています.
    We are (       ) (       ) a serious problem.
  7. 彼女はストレスをうまく処理できます.
    She can (       ) (       ) stress well.
  8. 彼らは困難な状況を乗り越えました.
    They (       ) (       ) the difficult situation.
  9. この古い機械はもう役に立ちません.
    This old machine is (       ) (       ) (       ).
  10. 経済の観点からこの問題を考えましょう.
    Let’s consider this issue (       ) (       ) (       ) economy.
  11. 結局、私たちは合意に達しました.
    We (       ) (       ) reaching an agreement.
  12. 彼の誠実さは疑う余地がありません.
    His honesty is (       ) (       ).
  13. 私の留守中に植物の世話をしてくれませんか.
    Could you (       ) (       ) (       ) my plants while I’m away?
  14. 最終的には、努力が報われるでしょう.
    (       ) (       ) (       ), your efforts will pay off.
  15. 週末はゆっくり過ごしましょう.
    Let’s (       ) (       ) (       ) on the weekend.
  16. 彼女は平和を切望しています.
    She (       ) (       ) peace.
  17. 健康を犠牲にして成功を追求するべきではありません.
    You shouldn’t pursue success (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ) your health.
  18. どうしてそんなに遅くまで起きているの?
    (       ) (       ) are you staying up so late?
  19. 彼は家までずっと歩いて帰りました.
    He walked (       ) (       ) (       ) home.
  20. すべてが正常に機能しています.
    Everything is (       ) (       ).
  21. 新しい技術が次々と生まれています.
    New technologies are (       ) (       ) (       ).
  22. ある意味で、彼の言うことは正しいです.
    (       ) (       ) (       ), he is right.
  23. もう少し待ってください。切らないでください.
    Please (       ) (       ). Don’t hang up.
  24. 問題の本質はその点にあります.
    The essence of the problem (       ) (       ) that point.
  25. 事故の後、彼はしばらくして正気を取り戻しました.
    After the accident, he (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ) after a while.
  26. 彼女は必ず成功するでしょう.
    She is (       ) (       ) succeed.
  27. 祖母の世話をするのは私の責任です.
    It’s my responsibility to (       ) (       ) my grandmother.
  28. その地域には様々な野生動物がいます.
    The area has (       ) (       ) (       ) wildlife.
  29. 姉とは対照的に、私は朝型です.
    (       ) (       ) to my sister, I’m a morning person.
  30. 階段を駆け上がった後、彼は息を切らしていました.
    After running up the stairs, he was (       ) (       ) (       ).
  31. この新しい車は最新の安全装置を備えています.
    This new car is (       ) (       ) the latest safety features.
  32. 観客は息をのんで演技を見守っていました.
    The audience (       ) (       ) (       ) as they watched the performance.
  33. 彼女は新しいアイデアを常に受け入れる準備ができています.
    She is always (       ) (       ) new ideas.
  34. 週末の計画について考えています.
    I’m (       ) (       ) plans for the weekend.
  35. 子供たちは庭を行ったり来たりしていました.
    The children were running (       ) (       ) (       ) in the garden.
  36. 値段を別にすれば、この製品は素晴らしいです.
    (       ) (       ) the price, this product is excellent.
  37. 先生の説明に、生徒たちは一心に耳を傾けていました.
    The students were (       ) (       ) to the teacher’s explanation.
  38. 彼女が部屋に入るやいなや、みんなが静かになりました.
    (       ) (       ) (       ) she entered the room, everyone became quiet.
  39. 道路標識に注意を払ってください.
    Please (       ) (       ) (       ) the road signs.
  40. 彼女は他人の感情に敏感です.
    She is (       ) (       ) others’ feelings.
  41. この地域は犯罪のない安全な場所です.
    This area is (       ) (       ) crime.
  42. この議論は時間の都合上、30分に制限されています.
    This discussion is (       ) (       ) 30 minutes due to time constraints.
  43. ところで、週末の予定は決まりましたか?
    (       ) (       ) (       ), have you decided on your weekend plans?
  44. まず最初に、問題の原因を特定する必要があります.
    (       ) (       ) (       ), we need to identify the cause of the problem.
  45. 彼女の態度は私に失礼だという印象を与えました.
    Her attitude (       ) me (       ) rude.
  46. 彼は上司に給料について不平を言いました.
    He (       ) (       ) his boss (       ) his salary.
  47. 彼女はたいてい週末に図書館で勉強します.
    (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ), she studies at the library on weekends.
  48. 考えてみると、彼の提案は理にかなっています.
    (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ), his suggestion makes sense.
  49. 彼は毎日同じ仕事の繰り返しにうんざりしています.
    He is (       ) (       ) (       ) doing the same job every day.
  50. 彼女の努力を正しく評価すべきです.
    We should (       ) (       ) (       ) (       ) her efforts.


  1. keep away from
  2. took off
  3. full of
  4. calm down
  5. indulges in
  6. faced with
  7. deal with
  8. got through
  9. of no use
  10. in terms of
  11. ended up
  12. beyond question
  13. take care of
  14. In the end
  15. take it easy
  16. yearns for
  17. at the expense of
  18. How come
  19. all the way
  20. in order
  21. coming into being
  22. In a sense
  23. hold on
  24. lies in
  25. came to his senses
  26. sure to
  27. look after
  28. a variety of
  29. In contrast
  30. out of breath
  31. equipped with
  32. held their breath
  33. open to
  34. thinking about
  35. back and forth
  36. Aside from
  37. all ears
  38. As soon as
  39. pay attention to
  40. sensitive to
  41. free from
  42. confined to
  43. By the way
  44. First of all
  45. struck, as
  46. complained to, about
  47. More often than not
  48. Come to think of it
  49. fed up with
  50. give her credit for