【Fake news and post-truth】(フェイクニュースとポストトゥルース)
Fake news refers to false information disguised as legitimate news, often spread rapidly through social media. Post-truth describes a culture where emotions and personal beliefs influence public opinion more than objective facts. These phenomena have gained prominence, affecting politics and social discourse. They challenge democratic processes and informed decision-making. Combating these issues requires critical thinking, media literacy, and fact-checking skills. Social media companies and governments are implementing measures to curb misinformation. Educators emphasize digital literacy to help people navigate the complex information landscape. The rise of AI-generated content further complicates matters, highlighting the need for ongoing vigilance. Understanding and addressing fake news and post-truth are crucial for maintaining a well-informed society in the digital age.

<<Key Terms>>
・Fake news (フェイクニュース) – false information disguised as legitimate news「本物のニュースを装った嘘の情報」
・Post-truth (ポストトゥルース) – emotions and beliefs influencing opinion more than facts「事実よりも感情や信念が意見を左右する傾向」
・Social media (SNS) – online platforms for sharing content and networking「情報共有やつながりのためのオンラインサービス」
・Media literacy (メディアリテラシー) – ability to critically analyze media messages「メディアの情報を批判的に分析する能力」
・Fact-checking (事実確認) – verifying the accuracy of information「情報の正確さを確かめること」
・Misinformation (誤情報) – false or inaccurate information, often unintentionally spread「誤った情報、意図せず広まることも」
・Digital literacy (デジタルリテラシー) – skills to use digital technologies effectively「デジタル技術を適切に使いこなす能力」
・AI-generated content (AI生成コンテンツ) – content created by artificial intelligence「AIが作成したコンテンツ」
・Critical thinking (批判的思考) – objectively analyzing and evaluating information「情報を客観的に分析・評価する思考」
・Democratic processes (民主主義プロセス) – procedures of a democratic system「民主主義の仕組みや手順」