
イーロンマスクからの挑戦状 ~Xは英語授業に使えるネタが満載!~授業案つき【授業アイデア・授業プリント】




Can you solve it? If you can, I’ll hire you. 「これ、解ける?解けたらウチで雇うよ。」







イヤホン1個 + (人間+イヤホン2個+アップルウォッチ1個)×アップルウォッチ1個


5+ (17×2) = 39



実際、ChatGPTのo1 proバージョンに聞いてみると、「アップルウォッチを充電ケースだ」とみなしたり、「そもそもイヤホンは左右あって1セット」という回答になったりと、プログラムが堂々と(?)別の解釈をしてくることもあるんですよね。



Title: “What’s the Value?” – A Five-Minute ESL Brain Teaser Activity

1. Warm-Up (1 minute)

  • Teacher says (in English): “Today we have a short and fun challenge. Look at this picture. It’s an ‘IQ Test’ with earphones, a person, and a watch-like object. You have to figure out the final number. Are you ready?”
  • Briefly show the puzzle on the board or via a projector so all students can see.

2. Vocabulary Check (1 minute)

  • Point to each item in the puzzle:
    • Earphones (students repeat)
    • Person / human figure (students repeat)
    • Smartwatch / watch (students repeat)
  • Ask quick questions to ensure comprehension, e.g., “Where do you wear earphones?” “What does a watch do?”

3. Group Discussion & Guessing (2 minutes)

  • Instructions:
    1. Students form pairs or small groups (2–3 people).
    2. Each group discusses and writes down:
      • The “value” for each item (earphones, person, watch).
      • The final calculation to find the answer for the bottom row.
  • Circulate around the room, listening and providing brief hints if necessary. Encourage students to speak in English: “I think the earphones are worth X,” “No, maybe the watch is worth Y,” etc.

4. Share & Compare Answers (1 minute)

  • Ask for a few volunteers to share their solutions.
    • Teacher prompts: “Group A, what did you find?” “Who got a different answer?”
  • Write at least two different answers on the board. Highlight how the interpretation might differ (e.g., one earphone vs. two earphones, etc.).

5. Wrap-Up (Final 30 seconds)

  • Congratulate all groups for participating. Emphasize that different approaches can lead to different answers.
  • End by asking, “Which answer do you think is correct? Who wants to stick with their guess?”

Optional: If time permits, briefly mention your own or a “standard” solution (e.g., 39, or any other common answer) to spark curiosity.

Teaching Points:

  • Listening & Speaking Skills: Students practice describing items and giving opinions in English.
  • Vocabulary: “Earphones,” “Watch,” “Value,” “Calculate,” “Equation.”
  • Critical Thinking: Encourages problem-solving and collaboration in a short time frame.

Time Allocation: ~5 minutes total

  • Warm-Up: 1 minute
  • Vocabulary Check: 1 minute
  • Group Discussion: 2 minutes
  • Share & Compare: 1 minute
  • Wrap-Up: 30 seconds

Use this mini activity to energize the class, foster quick communication in English, and spark fun competition.

