“elephant in the room”「見て見ぬふりをすること」「誰もが認識しているのに、空気を読んで触れないこと」
elephant in the room
☆If you say there is an elephant in the room, you mean that there is an obvious problem or difficult situation that people do not want to talk about.
elephant in the room (“elephant in the living room”と呼ばれることもある)という表現は、「誰もが気づいているのに、誰もがその問題について議論することを不快に思うために無視されている大きな問題」を意味します。この慣用句の根拠は、「(リビング)ルームの中の象は見過ごすことができないが、それにもかかわらず、部屋の中の人々は象が存在しないかのように振る舞っている」というものです。
Throughout the conference, the elephant in the room was the scandal surrounding two of the guest speakers.
ア.thing that nobody mentioned
イ.thing that everybody forgot about
ウ.thing that everybody laughed about
エ.thing that nobody liked
東海大学 [医](2021)
Yet there is a huge irony here: Businesses want both tax cuts and educational reform. But they refuse to acknowledge the (1.elephant in the room 2.snake in the grass 3.wolf in sheep’s clothing): the incompatibility between those two things. Recent tax cuts did not cause the state teacher strikes. Education is mainly funded by state and local governments.
慶応大学 [環境情報](2021)
(動画はPUBLIC DOMAIN Versionです)
Welcome to English in a Minute!
You would think that an elephant would be easy to see.
But that is not the case with this idiom.
Elephant in the Room
A: I really don’t want to go to the meeting today.
B: Why? Just sit there, and nod your head like I do.
A: But nobody is willing to talk about The elephant in the room.
B: What elephant?
A: The fact that our company has no money! Broke!
B: Oh, that elephant in the room. Yeah, don’t bring that up. Nobody wants to talk about that.
An elephant in the room is a problem that everyone knows about but does not want to talk about.
It also refers to a truth everyone knows but ignores. A problem shouldn’t be ignored, and neither should an elephant in a room with you!
And that’s English in a Minute!
ようこそEnglish in a Minuteへ!
A: 今日の会議にはどうしても行きたくないんだ。
A:でも、誰も”The elephant in the room”について話してくれないんだよね。
A: うちの会社にはお金がないんだよ。破産だ!
以上、English in a Minuteでした。