
“atomic bomb survivor”(被爆者)の意味や使い方は?被爆者を英語で言うと? 【Mr.原田の超絶英語コラム7】

「被爆者」に新たな光・・・atomic bomb survivorの意味は?

ノーベル平和賞の受賞者に日本原水爆被害者団体協議会(日本被団協)が選ばれた。核兵器廃絶と世界平和の実現に向けた長年の努力が評価された形だ。この出来事は、英語で「atomic bomb survivor」と呼ばれる被爆者の存在に、改めて世界の注目を集めることとなった▼「atomic bomb survivor」という言葉は、直訳すると「原子爆弾の生存者」となる。しかし、この表現には単なる生存以上の意味が込められている。それは、核兵器の非人道性を身をもって体験し、その証言を通じて平和を訴え続けてきた人々を指す言葉なのだ▼被爆者の平均年齢は80歳を超え、その数も年々減少している。そんな中、彼らの体験を次世代に伝える取り組みも進んでいる。「被爆体験証言者」や「被爆体験伝承者」と呼ばれる人々が、被爆者に代わって証言活動を行っている▼日本被団協の活動は、単に過去の悲劇を語るだけではない。「核兵器のない世界」の実現に向けて、国際社会に働きかけを続けてきた。2017年に国連で採択された核兵器禁止条約の成立にも、大きな役割を果たした▼「No more Hibakusha」。これは被爆者たちが掲げてきたスローガンだ。「もう二度と被爆者を生み出さない」という強い決意が込められている。今回のノーベル平和賞受賞は、この訴えが世界に認められたことを意味する▼「atomic bomb survivor」。この言葉が示すのは、過去の犠牲者というだけでなく、未来の平和を築く力強い存在だ。彼らの声に耳を傾け、その思いを受け継ぐことが、私たち一人一人に求められているのではないだろうか。


The Japan Confederation of A- and H-Bomb Sufferers Organizations (Nihon Hidankyo) has been selected as a recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. This recognition comes as a result of their long-standing efforts towards the abolition of nuclear weapons and the realization of world peace. This event has once again drawn global attention to the existence of “atomic bomb survivors,” known in Japanese as “hibakusha.”

The term “atomic bomb survivor” literally translates to “one who survived an atomic bomb.” However, this expression carries a meaning beyond mere survival. It refers to those who have personally experienced the inhumanity of nuclear weapons and have continued to advocate for peace through their testimonies.

The average age of atomic bomb survivors now exceeds 80, and their numbers are decreasing each year. In light of this, efforts are underway to pass on their experiences to the next generation. People known as “atomic bomb experience testifiers” or “atomic bomb experience successors” are now giving testimonies on behalf of the survivors.

The activities of Nihon Hidankyo go beyond simply recounting past tragedies. They have continuously appealed to the international community for the realization of a “world without nuclear weapons.” They also played a significant role in the adoption of the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons by the United Nations in 2017.

“No more Hibakusha” – this has been the slogan upheld by the atomic bomb survivors. It embodies their strong determination to ensure that “no more atomic bomb survivors are ever created again.” The awarding of this Nobel Peace Prize signifies that this appeal has been recognized by the world.

“Atomic bomb survivor” – this term represents not just victims of the past, but powerful entities building future peace. Shouldn’t each of us be called upon to listen to their voices and inherit their aspirations?
