
「人工島に描く未来」 “man-made island” in Osaka【Mr.原田の超絶英語コラム14】

「人工島に描く未来」~man-made island(人工島)~

 「島」と聞いて思い浮かべるのは、青い海に囲まれた自然豊かな土地だろう。しかし、英語には「man-made island(マンメイド・アイランド)」という興味深い表現がある。これは、波や風、長い年月ではなく、人間の知恵と技術によって生み出された島を指す。自然の摂理を超えて、人類の夢を具現化した空間とも言えるだろう。この言葉が今、大阪の地で新たな意味を帯びつつある。
2025年大阪・関西万博の開催地となる夢洲(ゆめしま)は、まさにこの「man-made island」だ。大阪湾の一部を埋め立てて造成されたこの人工島は、今や未来社会のショーケースとなるべく、急ピッチで変貌を遂げている。
「man-made island」は、もはや単なる土地の造成を超えて、人類の創造力と可能性を象徴する言葉になったのかもしれない。大阪の地で、この人工島が描く未来図に、世界中の注目が集まっている。


“Drawing the Future on an Artificial Island”

When one hears the word “island,” what usually comes to mind is a land rich in nature, surrounded by blue seas. However, there’s an intriguing expression in English: “man-made island.” This refers to islands created not by waves, wind, or the passage of time, but by human wisdom and technology. It could be described as a space that embodies human dreams, transcending the laws of nature. This term is now taking on a new meaning in Osaka.

Yumeshima, the venue for the Osaka-Kansai Expo 2025, is precisely such a “man-made island.” This artificial island, created by reclaiming part of Osaka Bay, is now rapidly transforming to become a showcase for future society.

With just six months until the opening, pavilion construction is in full swing. The “Big Roof,” set to be one of the world’s largest wooden structures, is already complete and stands as a symbol of the venue. However, there are concerns about delays in the construction of national pavilions, raising questions about whether they will be ready in time for the opening.

The history of artificial islands dates back to ancient Egyptian civilization. As technology has advanced over time, it has become possible to create islands of vast areas. However, the purpose of these islands has changed with the times. While they were once primarily for defense or living space, they now serve as experimental grounds for future societies.

At Yumeshima, alongside cutting-edge technology displays, there are plans for surprising exhibits such as artificial hearts created with iPS cells and “Martian rocks” discovered in Antarctica. The artificial island is literally becoming a stage that carries humanity’s dreams.

“Man-made island” may have evolved beyond mere land reclamation to symbolize human creativity and potential. The world’s attention is focused on the vision of the future being drawn on this artificial island in Osaka.
