Trump Survives Assassination Attempt at Pennsylvania Rally
Former President Donald Trump was targeted in an assassination attempt during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. Shots were fired, striking Trump in the ear. Secret Service agents swiftly evacuated him from the stage. One bystander was killed, and law enforcement fatally shot the assailant. Trump was transported to a hospital and is reportedly “fine”. (54words)

・assassination attempt 暗殺未遂
・target 標的にする
・rally 集会、演説会
・fire shots 発砲する
・strike (struck-struck) 打つ、当たる
・evacuate 避難させる、退避させる
・bystander 傍観者、一般参加者
・assailant 攻撃者、犯人
・transport 輸送する、搬送する
⇒政治的動機による要人の殺害を意味する名詞。動詞形は assassinate。語源はアラビア語の「ハシシーシーン(ハシシを使う者)」に由来し、11世紀の中東で暗殺を行った秘密結社に関連している。現代では、政治的な目的で重要人物を殺害することを指す。
・Secret Service
“in the loop” – 情報を共有されている状態、最新情報を知っている状態を表す。
例:The Secret Service keeps the President in the loop about potential security threats.
1. Assassination [暗殺] – The murder of a prominent person, often a political leader. (著名な人物、特に政治的指導者の殺害。)
2. Commander-in-Chief [最高司令官] – The president’s role as head of the armed forces. (軍隊の長としての大統領の役割。)
3. Motorcade [自動車列] – A procession of vehicles carrying the president and their entourage. (大統領とその随行団を乗せた車列。)
4. Secret Service [シークレットサービス] – The agency responsible for protecting the president and other high-ranking officials. (大統領やその他の高官を守る機関。)
5. Executive Order [大統領令] – A directive issued by the president that has the force of law. (大統領が発する、法的効力を持つ指令。)
6. Lame duck [レイムダック] – A president in their final term with diminished political power. (政治的影響力が低下した最終任期の大統領。)
7. Inauguration [就任式] – The ceremony marking the beginning of a new president’s term. (新大統領の任期開始を示す式典。)
8. State of the Union [一般教書演説] – An annual address given by the president to Congress. (大統領が議会に対して行う年次演説。)
9. Grassy knoll [草の生えた小山] – A term associated with conspiracy theories about JFK’s assassination. (JFK暗殺の陰謀説に関連する用語。)
10. Impeachment [弾劾] – The process of charging a president with misconduct. (大統領の不正行為を告発するプロセス。)
11. Bulletproof vest [防弾チョッキ] – Protective gear often worn by presidents in public appearances. (大統領が公の場で着用することの多い防護具。)
12. Lone gunman [一匹狼の銃撃者] – A person who attempts or carries out an assassination alone. (単独で暗殺を企てたり実行したりする人物。)
13. Bunker [地下壕] – A fortified underground shelter used to protect the president during emergencies. (緊急時に大統領を守るための要塞化された地下シェルター。)
14. Assassination attempt [暗殺未遂] – An unsuccessful effort to kill a president or other leader. (大統領やその他の指導者を殺害しようとした失敗した試み。)
15. Air Force One [エアフォースワン] – The official aircraft of the U.S. President. (米国大統領の公式航空機。)
16. Veto power [拒否権] – The president’s authority to reject bills passed by Congress. (議会を通過した法案を拒否する大統領の権限。)
17. Oval Office [オーバルオフィス] – The president’s main office in the White House. (ホワイトハウスにある大統領の主要オフィス。)
18. Pardoning power [恩赦権] – The president’s ability to forgive federal crimes. (連邦犯罪を許す大統領の権限。)
19. Presidential debate [大統領候補討論会] – A public discussion between candidates running for president. (大統領選挙の候補者間で行われる公開討論。)
20. Protective detail [警護班] – The group of agents assigned to protect the president. (大統領を守るために配属された警護官のグループ。)