
【Deepfakes / Deepfake の意味は?】ディープフェイクとは? 大学受験英語必出最新テーマ ~100語で覚える時事英語~ 音声つき


Deepfakes are highly realistic fake videos or images created using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning techniques. They involve swapping faces, manipulating facial expressions, or synthesizing entirely new content that appears authentic. Deepfakes can be used maliciously to spread misinformation, harass individuals, or undermine trust in media. However, they also have potential benefits in entertainment, education, and creative industries. Detecting deepfakes is becoming increasingly challenging as the technology advances. Combating their misuse requires a combination of technological solutions, public awareness, and legal frameworks to protect individuals and society from deception and abuse.


<<Key Terms>>

・Artificial Intelligence (AI) (人工知能) – the development of computer systems that can perform tasks requiring human-like intelligence

・Machine Learning (機械学習) – a subset of AI that enables systems to learn and improve from data without being explicitly programmed

・Synthesizing (合成) – combining elements to create something new, such as an image or video「画像や動画など、新しいものを作成するために要素を組み合わせること」

・Misinformation (誤情報) – false or inaccurate information spread unintentionally「意図せずに広められる誤った情報や不正確な情報」

・Deception (欺瞞) – intentionally misleading others by concealing or distorting the truth「真実を隠したり歪めたりして意図的に他者を欺くこと」

・Legal frameworks (法的枠組み) – laws and regulations that govern the use and misuse of technology「技術の使用と悪用を規制する法律と規則」

・Authenticity (信憑性) – the quality of being genuine, true, or real

・Manipulation (操作) – controlling or influencing something, often in a deceptive or unfair manner「何かを制御したり影響を与えたりすること。多くの場合、欺瞞的または不公平な方法で行われる」

・Malicious (悪意のある) – intending to cause harm, damage, or distress

・Potential (潜在的な) – having the capacity to develop or become something in the future「将来的に何かを発展させたり、何かになったりする能力を持つこと」
