★ クッチ

【Meaning】An affectionate hug, a place of safety and comfort, a haven for the heart.
Cwtch is a Welsh word that means “an affectionate hug” or “a place of safety and comfort.” This word carries a deeper affection and bond that goes beyond a simple embrace.
Sometimes, we may be overwhelmed by loneliness or anxiety. In such moments, a cwtch from a loved one can be a source of emotional support. A warm hug can convey love more eloquently than words.
For example, when a mother cwtches her child, her arms become the safest place for the child. Also, when lovers cwtch each other, their hearts are strongly connected, creating a deep bond.
Cwtch is a beautiful word that represents the emotional connection with loved ones. Let us cherish the spirit of cwtch and deepen our bonds with family and friends. Sometimes, a heartfelt cwtch, rather than words, can warmly embrace our hearts.