
【Culaccino(クラッチーノ)の意味は?】イタリア語 ~翻訳しづらい世界のことば7~


★ クラッチーノ






Culaccino is an Italian word that means “the circular mark left on a table when you lift up a glass.” We see this mark every time we lift a glass from the table, but did you know there’s a word for this phenomenon? There is! It’s culaccino. This Italian word is pronounced “koo-la-chieno” and has no direct English translation.

The mark left on the table by the water droplets on the bottom of a glass is something everyone has seen at least once. That small ring of water is evidence of the glass’s presence and reminds us of the moment we enjoyed a drink.

Italians like to pay attention to small things in everyday life and give them names. Culaccino is one of them. It may seem like a trivial phenomenon, but in Italian, it is expressed with a special word.

The next time you lift a glass from the table, take a look at the circular mark left behind. There may be a small joy of discovery hidden there, called culaccino. Knowing the word can turn an ordinary, everyday moment into something special.