“When I play baseball, I always cover my bases. That’s why I put blankets on them.”
“Cover one’s bases” (idiom) – This phrase means to take all necessary precautions or preparations to ensure success or avoid failure. It suggests that one has considered all possible outcomes and has a plan to deal with each scenario.
“Cover one’s bases”の語源は、野球に由来しています。野球では、走者が次のベースに安全に進むために、野手がすべてのベースを守備しなければなりません。これは、すべての可能性に備えることの重要性を象徴しています。
(1) Before launching the new product, the company made sure to cover all their bases by conducting extensive market research and testing.
(2) The event organizers covered their bases by having a backup venue in case of bad weather.
(3) To cover your bases when traveling, it’s a good idea to have copies of important documents and extra cash on hand.