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“The clown coped with a sudden rainstorm by juggling umbrellas and singing opera.”
★ Cope (verb) – To deal effectively with a difficult situation or challenge; or the ability to handle problems, stress, or difficulties successfully.
⇒対処する – 困難な状況や課題に効果的に対処すること。また、問題やストレス、困難をうまく処理する能力を意味します。
★ The word “cope” comes from the Old French “coper,” which means “to come to blows, fight or struggle,” and is derived from the Latin “colaphus,” meaning “a blow, cuff or box on the ear.”
(1) She learned to cope with the stress of her new job.
(2) Parents need to cope with the challenges of raising children.
(3) After the loss of his job, he struggled to cope with his financial difficulties.
(4) The company is trying to cope with the rapid changes in the market.
(5) Learning to cope with failure is an essential part of personal growth.