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“The toddler convinced the toothpaste tube to squeeze out ice cream instead.”
★ Convince (verb) – To persuade someone to believe or accept a certain idea, opinion, or course of action; or the act of making someone believe in the truth or validity of something.
⇒説得する – 誰かにある考え、意見、または行動を信じたり受け入れたりするように説得すること。また、誰かに何かの真実や妥当性を信じさせる行為を意味します。
★ The word “convince” comes from the Latin “convincere,” which means “to conquer, overcome or prove” and is derived from the combination of “con-” (with, together) and “vincere” (to conquer).
(1) She convinced her parents to let her go on the trip.
(2) The salesman convinced me to buy the more expensive product.
(3) It’s difficult to convince someone who has a strong opinion on a subject.
(4) The lawyer’s arguments convinced the jury of the defendant’s innocence.
(5) To convince people of the importance of environmental conservation, we need to provide them with clear and accurate information.