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“During the magic show, the magician converted a pile of socks into a luxury sports car.”
convert (verb) – To change or transform something from one form, purpose, belief, or system to another; to undergo a conversion or transition.
⇒変換する – 何かを一つの形態、目的、信念、またはシステムから別のものに変えること。変換や移行を経る。
★ The word “convert” comes from the Latin word “convertere,” which means “to turn around” or “to transform.” It implies a process of changing or adapting something into a different state or condition.
(1) They converted the garage into a home office.
(2) The company aims to convert its operations to renewable energy sources.
(3) He decided to convert to a vegetarian diet for health reasons.
(4) She successfully converted her passion for art into a successful career.
(5) The novel was converted into a popular film adaptation.