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“The popcorn machine exploded, and contrary to expectations, it rained popcorn instead of confetti.”
contribute (verb) – To give, provide, or participate in something, often with the aim of making a positive impact or adding to a collective effort; to contribute can be in the form of ideas, resources, effort, or support.
⇒貢献する – 何かを与えたり提供したりし、しばしば肯定的な影響を与えたり、集団の努力に寄与したりすること。貢献はアイデア、資源、努力、またはサポートの形で行われることがあります。
★ The word “contribute” comes from the Latin word “contribuere,” which means “to bring together” or “to add to.” It implies actively participating and adding value to a particular cause, project, or endeavor.
(1) She contributes her time and skills to various charitable organizations.
(2) The scientist’s research contributes to the advancement of medical knowledge.
(3) It’s important for everyone to contribute their ideas during team meetings.
(4) He contributed a significant amount of money to the project.
(5) We appreciate everyone’s contributions to the success of this event.