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“The polar bear sunbathed in the Sahara desert, contrary to its natural habitat.”
contrary (adjective/noun) – Opposite or in conflict with something; contradictory; showing a different or opposing opinion, belief, or characteristic; a person or thing that is opposite or contrary to another.
⇒反対の – 何かと対立するか相反するか。矛盾する。異なるまたは反対の意見、信念、または特徴を示す。他のものとは反対または相反する人やもの。
★ The word “contrary” originates from the Latin word “contrarius,” which means “opposite” or “opposing.” It refers to something that contradicts or conflicts with another thing.
(1) Her actions are contrary to her words.
(2) The study’s findings are contrary to popular belief.
(3) Despite the contrary opinions, he remained firm in his decision.
(4) They have contrary interests in the negotiation.
(5) She is the exact contrary of her sister in terms of personality.