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“The cat signed a contract to become the CEO of a global fish supply company.”
contract (noun/verb) – A legally binding agreement between two or more parties that defines their rights and obligations; to enter into such an agreement by mutual consent; to become smaller or shorter in size or length, often as a result of being pulled or compressed.
⇒契約 – 二者または複数者の間での法的に拘束力のある合意であり、彼らの権利と義務を定義します。相互の同意によってそのような合意に入ること。しばしば引っ張られたり圧縮された結果として、サイズや長さが縮小されること。
★ The word “contract” originates from the Latin word “contractus,” which means “drawn together” or “tightened.” It refers to an agreement that brings parties together and creates legal obligations.
(1) They signed a contract to purchase the house.
(2) The company entered into a contract with a new supplier.
(3) It’s important to read and understand the terms of a contract before signing it.
(4) They contracted a renowned architect to design their new office building.
(5) The fabric contracts when exposed to heat.