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“At the dance party, the T-rex and the astronaut contemporary danced flawlessly to ‘Gangnam Style’.”
contemporary (adjective/noun) – Belonging to the same period or time; existing or occurring at the present time; of or relating to the present or recent times; a person or thing living or existing at the same time as another.
⇒同時代の – 同じ時期または時代に属していること。現在存在し、または現在起こっていること。現在または最近の時代に関連する。他の人や物と同時に生きている、存在していること。
★ The word “contemporary” comes from the Latin word “contemporaneus,” which means “of the same time” or “coexisting.” It refers to something or someone that is of the present time or exists during the same period as another.
(1) The artist’s work reflects the contemporary trends in modern art.
(2) We are studying the contemporary literature of the 20th century.
(3) The museum exhibits both historical artifacts and contemporary artworks.
(4) She is a contemporary of famous musicians like Mozart and Beethoven.
(5) The contemporary issues discussed in the conference are of great relevance to our society today.