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“The suitcase contained an entire theme park complete with roller coasters, a Ferris wheel, and talking cotton candy.”
contain (verb) – To hold or have within a defined space, area, or boundaries; to include or incorporate as a component or part of something; to restrain or limit something within certain parameters.
⇒含む – 定義された空間、領域、または境界内に保持または持つこと。何かの構成要素または一部として含む、組み込むこと。ある範囲内で何かを制約または制限すること。
★ The word “contain” comes from the Latin word “contenere,” which means “to hold together, to comprise, or to enclose.” It conveys the idea of keeping something within specified limits or boundaries.
(1) The box contains various books and documents.
(2) This report contains detailed information about the project.
(3) The package contains five items.
(4) The rules are in place to contain the spread of the virus.
(5) It’s important to contain your emotions in a professional setting.